Friday, January 30, 2015

Students of the Future (Part 2)

This is the continuation of The Panel Biter's Top 5 Most Wanted X-Men For TV. Here I'll be finishing up the list, so if you haven't read Part 1 please check that out first. Anyway, on with the List!

#2: Forge

Forge has never appeared in any movies, but his presence could obviously fit into the franchise. Forge's mutant ability is his mastery over technology, understanding the capabilities of any machinery he comes in contact with. For TV this power is perfect as it isn't visually costing and purely an actor-presented skill. All an actor would have to do is make an expression and say a lot of big, nerdy words to justify his intelligence. In the comics, Forge build the X-Men's Danger Room battle simulator and their jet, The Blackbird. Seeing Forge become increasingly smarter and develop more technologies would earn him a lot of respect among all the X-Men. Also he's replaced his limbs with cybernetic weapons, so you could give a Terminator-esque theme if you want.

#1: X-23

As much as it pains me to admit, the X-Men franchise has solely survived off the coattails of Wolverine. He's often the focus of these movies-for better or worse-and his presence is always required if the movie is going to be successful. That being said I doubt Hugh Jackman would appear in every episode of this show, so why not have a Wolverine-like character to remind us this is an X-Men show? X-23 is a clone of Wolverine developed by Weapon X. Her upbringing is dark, violent and tragic, making her a tough character who's hard to befriend. Having X-23 on a show like this would diverse the cast by giving us a complex and rebellious shadow of the X-Men's poster boy. Her powers could be replicated with props and minor CGI, but it would be the development of her character that'd keep viewers entertained. And with X-23 in this show, there's a chance Wolverine could show up for one episode to spend time with kind-of-daughter he never knew existed.

That's my list, loyal readers. Do you agree or have ideas of your own? At any rate I'm looking forward to see what Fox comes up with, so lets hope it's good! Follow The Panel Biter on Twitter and Facebook! Thanks for reading!

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