Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Grumpiest Cat

Everybody love cats. You see them on TV, you see them on your Facebook feed, you see them in your driveway bending your will with their cuteness. But some cats aren't so cute and cuddly, like this week's Z-Lister. Introducing the feline enforcer of the Red Lantern Corps, Dex-Starr.

In 2008's "Final Crisis: Rage of The Red Lanterns #1" readers were introduced to a legion of rage-induced aliens known as The Red Lantern Corps. Not unlike the Green Lanterns, the members of this corps received light constructing Power Rings in honor of their commitment to the emotion the corps represents. Dex-Starr was the first creature from Earth to be worthy of a Red Lantern Power Ring. Dex-Starr was once a kitten named Dexter who was adopted from his litter by a lonely woman. His owner raised him with affection and dependance, telling Dexter how happy she was that he was always there for her. One night, a burglar broke into the woman's apartment and Dexter scratched him in defense of his owner. The burglar's cry of pain woke the woman, but the burglar killed her before she could call for help. The next day, police officers investigated the murder and kicked Dexter out of the apartment worried he'd contaminate the crime scene and unaware of Dexter being the victim's pet. Unable to go back to his home or owner, Dexter became a stray.
For a while Dexter had lived in an alley, sheltered under a cardboard box. Two thugs came along one day and stuffed Dexter into a burlap sack. They planned to throw Dexter off the Brooklyn Bridge and watch him die in amusement. Before the bagged Dexter could hit the water below, he was discovered by a Red Lantern Ring. It appeared that Dexter's rage towards the thugs and his owner's murderer proved himself loyal to the emotion of anger and Dexter was selected to be a member of The Red Lantern Corps. Dexter proceeded to use the power of the ring to kill the thugs and sleep atop their corpses, swearing vengeance upon the man who killed his master. Taking the name Dex-Starr, this ferocious feline is one of the most malicious and sadistic of the Red Lanterns. But, damn it if he isn't the most adorable monster I've ever seen. 
Animals are usually dangerous and instinctual creatures, but like humans they carry basic emotions. Love, sadness, and anger of course. So the concept of an animal's emotions becoming strong enough to earn them the kind of power humans (or human-like beings) can only acquire is inspiring to me. More so this shows the loyalty animals can develop can become deadly to those who threaten their masters. It's the equivalent to a child avenging their mother. But at the end of the day, this is a cat who vomits acidic blood and can survive the vacuum of space. If you're not inspired by this character, you can at least admit how hardcore that sounds. Thanks for reading!

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