Saturday, February 14, 2015

52 First Dates: A Valentine's Day Special (Part 2)

Oh, look! You came back to read the rest of my very special list! If I've been sounding more chipper lately, it's because of all the chocolate my beloved got me! Did I say beloved? I meant to say, "friend in the mirror"! Anyway, on with The Panel Biter's Top 5 Comic Book Couples!

#2 Superman & Lois Lane

Call me old fashioned, but I believe marriage should be between brassy, no nonsense female reporters and godlike, solar-powered aliens posing as mild-mannered reporters! Convenient that Kryptonians look exactly like humans, right? What can say about these two besides them being the classic comic book couple? With Superman being widely known around the world, their relationship is defiantly the most supported of any comic couple. "Why is Superman kissing Wonder Woman, he's Lois Lane's man", I feel the old timers ranting with their fists a-shakin'. Their official marriage took place in 1996, but because of reboots and new timelines their marriage would be either redone or erased from history. The funny thing about these two is that their relationship started as a love triangle: Clark Kent loved Lois Lane, Lois Lane loved Superman, and Superman only wanted to be with Lois Lane if he could be his alter ego Clark Kent. The stories where this conundrum is non-existant and these two can be together are often the most heartfelt, making Clark and Lois a classic American couple.

#1 Mr. Fantastic & The Invisible Woman

Come on now, The Fantastic Four are the first family of comic books! And as we know, families expand! Reed Richards and Susan Storm had an unconventional first meeting, with Reed being 19 and Susan being 13. Nothing happened of course, Sue simply had a crush on Reed. When Reed reached his mid-20's, he had met Susan yet again as an adult and the two quickly got engaged. With the help of Sue, her brother Johnny and Reed's best friend Ben Grimm, Reed was able to pierce the heavens and travel into space with his assistants. Sadly the ship crashed, but the four survived and walked away with fantastic powers. After these four partook in adventures as The Fantastic Four, Reed and Sue got married and had two children shortly after, Franklin Richards and Valeria Richards. Their marriage lasted years, withstanding world-shaking events like Civil War, World War Hulk, Secret Invasion and Dark Reign. After the not-so-lasting death of Sue's brother Johnny Storm/The Human Torch, Reed established The Future Foundation, a successor team to The Fantastic Four that would aim to use science and technology to benefit mankind. Aspiring minds like Alex Power, intelligent mole people, the Amazing Spider-Man and even Doctor Doom (for a short time) joined this new family of superheroes. Even now, as The Fantastic Four are on the verge of dying, Reed and Sue remain together in love for each other and the family they have started.

So there it is, the most important couples in comic books. If that doesn't warm your heart don't worry, I have plenty more ideas of what will. Quick, picture a kitten in a Batman costume! There, happy thoughts. Thanks for reading and Happy Valentine's Day!

Twitter: @ThePanelBiter
Facebook: The Panel Biter

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