Sunday, February 8, 2015

Netflix Pix Or "Picks" if You're Picky (Part One)

Marvel Studios has me pumped for it's coming Netflix shows! Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Jessica Drew are all lesser-known Marvel characters who's stories will be presented in limited episode series, and when their shows are done we'll be getting their own team show called The Defenders. But like the movies, Marvel has to have a second slate of projects ready for Netflix. Considering that, which Marvel characters should get Netflix shows next? Well, I happen to have some ideas. Here we go, The Panel Biter's Top 5 Wanted Marvel Netflix Series.

#5: Ghost Rider

I'll admit the Nick Cage "Ghost Rider" movies are a guilty pleasure, but how smart would it be for Marvel to introduce the concept of magic and demons with Ghost Rider (along with Dr. Strange)? The budget wouldn't be crazy, the pool of Marvel demons is deep, and the character would be visually different from any other character we've seen out of Marvel. Rather than Johnny Blaze, I'd rather see the Danny Ketch version of Ghost Rider. Characters like Johnny Blaze and the original Phantom Rider could serve mentor/rival roles, while the story would surround Ketch using the Ghost Rider's demonic powers to avenge the death of his sister. Oh, and there's a new Ghost Rider who drives a hotrod, so Marvel could cash in on that Fast & Furious market if they want.

#4: She-Hulk

Any Marvel fanboy will tell you that She-Hulk is an awesome character, and seeing as how we won't be getting a solo Hulk movie anytime soon, now is a good time to introduce a less-expensive Hulk character. There's the appeal of having lesser known Hulk villains show up obviously, but the real appeal comes from She-Hulk also being a lawyer. Think Daredevil, but more comedic. Super strength isn't a hard effect, and the duality of Jennifer Walters and She-Hulk could either be one actress who's She-Hulk form would be done with make-up and CGI or-and I like idea better-you get one actress for Walters and another actress for She-Hulk. Walter's actress could be a bit more reserved, while She-Hulk's actress would be outgoing. And if She-Hulk's actress is built like an Amazon, replicating She-Hulk's appearance would be easier. Also, She-Hulk constantly broke the 4th Wall in her 90's series, so Marvel could have a character funny enough to compete with Fox's upcoming Deadpool.

#3: Blade

You know what the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't have? Vampires. You know what the general viewing audience likes? Vampires. Guess what Blade is. A Vampire! Seriously, Blade is a character who just oozes cool, if Marvel wants to dip their toes into different pools then roping in the vampire/horror fans would be a smart move. Blade has a long history too, so they could either go with his globe-trotting paranormal adventures or, like Daredevil, show his early days fighting vampires in New York. I wouldn't mind a mix of both, setting it in Blade's early days, but working in modern horror. Blade is a character I would like to see put in a certain time period, like setting it in 70's. That way you explore a time in the MCU that hasn't been explored, set up future paranormal events, and utilize Blade's heavily outdated outfit (see here:

Please continue to Part 2!

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