Thursday, February 5, 2015

Some Good Old Father/Son Bouncing

It always seemed to me that after the creation of Batman, comic book writers could easily find inspiration for characters by looking at animals. Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Wolverine, Catwoman, the list goes on. The duo of Z-Listers I've brought here today follow this idea to visually ludicrous heights. Here they are, Leap-Frog and Frog-Man!

Vinnie Patilio was an inventor who's novelty machines were regarded as nothing more than children's toys. Resenting his less than glamorous career, Vinnie builds himself electrically powered coils to attach below his feet and grant him enhanced leaping capabilities. He then designs a frog-like exoskeleton to provide him with strength, durability, and a targeting-system to properly guide his 6-story jumps. As the criminal Leap-Frog, Vinnie was still unsuccessful. One of his first crimes was kidnapping lawyer Matt Murdock (AKA Daredevil) and receiving a massive beating by the blind man. He'd have repeated beatings by Daredevil, even failing with the aid of other villains, and would eventually be sent to jail after his less-than-impressive battle with Iron Man.
When Vinnie returned home from prison, he discovered his wife had died of cancer and it was up to him to support himself and his son, Eugene. With Vinnie wrapped in despair over his failures as an inventor, criminal, and family man, his son Eugene stumbled upon his father's frog-suit. Eugene made some modifications and used the suit to become the hero Frog-Man, taking inspiration from his father and the Amazing Spider-Man. Vinnie was proud of his son's heroic actions at first, but grew disapproving of this double-life and forbid his son from being a hero.
Vinnie agreed to go undercover into The White Rabbit's gang for the police, but it became difficult when Eugene attacked White Rabbit's gang as Frog-Man. Although the father and son ended up working together to take down this gang of lower-class criminals, White Rabbit would reappear with the villain Walrus and cause mayhem around New York. Vinnie ordered Eugene to stay home while he-donning an updated frog suit-went out to stop the villains. Despite his father's request, Eugene joined Leap-Frog and Spider-Man as Frog-Man to defeat The White Rabbit. As of now, Vinnie has retired from the costumed life and Eugene continues his career as a crime fighter.
While these characters are underrated, I feel the theming between the both of them is very thick. Vinnie was the type of man destined to never measure up to inventors like Tony Stark or Reed Richards, it took his son's desire to use the frog-suit for a greater good that allowed Vinnie to rise above his insecurity. While I don't expect to see these two in action any time soon, I like to think somewhere in Marvel's New York, The Fabulous Frog-Man is still bouncing around. Thanks for reading!

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