Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cooking! With! Comics!

Comic books have many more uses than reading material or good insect-slayers, why back in the day some comics offered useful tips for the hungry public. Today we'll be briefly exploring the culinary side of comic books. So break out your beaters, because it's going to get tasty up in this blog! Bam!

I know Christmas has been over for a while now, but with all this snow outside my house it's hard to believe. If you're still in the holiday mood, boy does my buddy Larfleeze have a treat for you. Well, if he decides to share, that is. In February of 2011, writer Geoff Johns wrote "Green Lantern: Larfeeze Christmas Special" which centered around the Green Lantern Hal Jordan trying to teach Larfleeze the meaning of Christmas. A fun story isn't all this comic offered though, as Johns was generous enough to provide readers with Larfleeze's recipe for his infamous Orange Lantern Cookies. Along with their nifty design, these holiday snacks are packed with orange flavorings and white chocolate! If you want to craft your own Orange Lantern Cookies (free of any alien attacks) I'll happily drop a link to the recipe right.....here: http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/comicsalliance.com/files/2011/12/larfleezeorangecookiesrecipebig.jpg
But hey, maybe you're not in the cookie mood. Maybe you're looking for something more challenging, more masculine! Well, you're in luck because good ol' Green Arrow has just the meal for you: Ollie's Stupendous Chili Recipe! Green Arrow's volcanic delicacy first appeared in "Green Lantern #85, 1971", the same issue where Green Arrow discovered his sidekick Roy Harper was taking heroin. Ouch, well you win some, you lose some. Careful you don't lose some taste buds when trying Ollie's Chili, it's apparently too hot even for Superman! But not Batman, who's twenty year training must have involved mastering the art of eating. With various spices to up the ante, Ollie's Chili is guaranteed to end your family gathering after one simultaneous bite. Here's the recipe, cooks beware:
I really hope comic book companies do stuff like this more often, it's a good way to expand the personality of comics. It can be interpreted as a fun activity for a comic-loving family, and even a challenge for readers who may not cook. One thing's for sure, after reading these recipes I'll might try making my family a delicious treat fresh off the panels! Thanks for reading!

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