Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Clark Kent vs The World

Who would win in a fight: Superman or Batman? Whether you're a fan of the comics or not, you've heard this debate. Well today we answer that question! Superman would win. Now that that's out of the way, why don't we look over five superheroes that could take down The Man of Steel. Let's gets started with The Panel Biter's Top 5 Superman Killers.

#5. Dr. Fate
Dr. Fate is The DC Universe's greatest sorcerer, able to battle the forces of The Spectre and Trigon. One of Superman's few weaknesses is magic, an element Dr. Fate specializes in. A simple spell could strip Superman of his powers or reverse his age to point of infantry. While his weakness for spells is great, Superman could be fast enough to remove Dr. Fate's helmet-the artifact that allows him to conduct his more powerful spells-and easily defeat the man under the helmet, who is usually an elder named Kent Nelson. So then it's Superman vs. an elderly man. Checkmate for Supes'.

#4. Wonder Woman
Because of his super strength, Superman has often relied on brute force and only uses martial arts when it's necessary, but what type of fighting style could prepare him for the super strong Amazonian warrior, Wonder Woman? Undeniably the best strategist and combatant of the Amazons, Wonder Woman adds more of a threat when she uses her lasso, sword, shield, bracelets, and tiara in combat, keep in mind that all these weapons-along with Diana herself-are magically enchanted. Wonder Woman doesn't even have a specific weakness like Supes', her only method of defeat would be her stubborn nature causing her to fight to the point of exhaustion.

#3. Shazam
Notably one of Superman's greatest rivals, Shazam (or Captain Marvel) is easily describable as a "magic Superman". His powers come from The Roman Gods and his body generates a cloak of magical energy, some versions of Superman have given him a weakness to electricity which is the main element Shazam can create by calling down lightning bolts. Multiple times Shazam has beaten Superman to a stand still, the only way Superman could stop Shazam dead in his tracks is by tricking/forcing Shazam into shouting "Shazam" and reverting himself into the mortal boy, Billy Batson. And if Superman's Golden Age powers are still canon, Superman is a master ventriloquist, meaning he could mimic Shazam's voice and trigger the magic lighting to turn Shazam into a human.

#2. Orion
Orion is the son of Darksied-one of Superman's greatest foes-and as a New God is nearly invincible. Orion has overthrown Superman a couple of times, matching his endurance and strength while also bringing his own alien technology into the fight. Orion also has that Hulk-factor where the angrier he gets, the stronger he gets. Orion even has teleporting technology-Mother Box-that could transport Superman into a Red Sun to remove Superman's powers. However, Superman could also be cunning enough to use the Mother Box and acquire some Radium-the only substance known to harm New Gods-and use that mysterious element to put Orion down.

#1. Captain Atom
Captain Atom is literally comprised of constantly splitting atoms. The pure energy of Captain Atom's body is used to achieve flight, nuclear blasts, and strength equal to Superman. His senses can pinpoint energy signatures and even radio waves. He can also use his atoms to rearrange matter: turning something like a pillow into a boulder. This means he could turn Superman's entire suit into Kryptonite. Nuclear blasts have also been shown to weaken Superman into a malnourished state. However, his most useful power against Superman is his ability to generate any type of radiation. This includes Kryptonite radiation to weaken Superman, Red Sun Radiation to strip Superman of his powers, or even Yellow Sun Radiation to overcharge Superman's cells to the point of detonation. In the current comics, Superman's newest power-The Solar Flare-takes away his powers for twenty-four hours after it's use, meaning overcharging Supes' with sunlight could force him to use this power. Even if Superman can split Cap's suit and cause him to explode, Cap's atoms would still be scattered around the planet in search of a new vessel. Although Superman can vibrate his fist and destroy those atoms, the resulting explosion could destroy the Earth. So there, nobody wins!

I'll include a couple of honorable mentions: The Spectre, a master Green Lantern, Firestorm, Metamorpho, and The Martian Manhunter. That's right, I didn't include Batman, deal with it. See, Superman isn't impossible to defeat, it just takes deep knowledge of his strengths and weaknesses to properly prepare a strategy against him. Also, it was a lot of fun seeing how many people have socked Superman in the jaw. Thanks for reading!

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