Monday, May 4, 2015

So. Much. Justice.

It's all been leading up to this, loyal readers. The finale of The Panel Biter's DC Cinematic Universe's Phase One of film pitches. It's time to bring the all-star heroes of the PBDC together and save the world from a monumental threat. Get those oven mitts ready, because "The Justice League" is here for your reading pleasure. Look! They're serious AND colorful! It can be done!

The world is facing a phenomenon like no other, a presence so powerful it dwarfs any government power on the planet, the world is facing superhumans. Men and women with extraordinary abilities that could tighten a cold grip on society. But perhaps it's not these "heroes" who crave control. Maybe it's something far more sinister. As the world's nations discuss the monitoring of superhumans, four alien lifeforms fall to Earth undetected: three alien starfish and a faceless alien warrior. As the starfish begin to divide and take control of Earth's largest cities, the Faceless Hunter confronts Earth's mightiest champions. In an effort to solve this alien mystery, the government organization ARGUS releases their captured martian to investigate these creatures. The martian soon finds the citizens of Earth aren't the only people who've come in contact with these creatures, that heroes have battled and lost to these mind-controlling aliens. With the world's defenses failing, the master of The Faceless Hunter comes to Earth to enslave it entirely. This master is Starro the Conquerer. Now, seven heroes of Earth must unite and defeat this alien threat. They may come to blows, and blows may be dealt to them, but when the world needs saving, The Justice League will save it.
Alright, let's break this down hero-by-hero. Superman will be the only hero to try to reason with The Faceless Hunter, and even if his attempt is unsuccessful Superman will not cease his desire to end this battle without any deaths. His ideals will clash with Batman, who-as Bruce Wayne-attends the U.N. "superhuman monitoring" meeting along with Clark Kent and Lois Lane of the Daily Planet and Princess Diana of Themyscira. Batman's role in this film would prove him an effective strategist when the heroes team-up, but a suspicious onlooker before the team fully unites. Seeing as how the heroes will need to fight Starro-possessed humans, Batman will be the most proficient at holding back because of his no-killing rule. During this time, Batman would be training a new Robin named Jason Todd, who watches over Gotham during the invasion. Batman and Superman will have a confrontation at some point after a Starro spawn possesses Superman. Following her film, Wonder Woman will act as ambassador to Themyscira and the love interest of Agent Steve Trevor. Green Lantern would appear on Earth to investigate a lost alien spawn, but this time around would wear his domino mask to disguise himself. His personality would still come off a bit cocky, so he'd have his verbal clashes with Batman, but his relationship with The Flash would be friendly. Now The Flash is tricky, yes he'd be The Flash from the CW show, but his show would receive alterations that connect it to this movie universe. Prior to this movie, Hal Jordan would appear on "The Flash" in flashbacks of him meeting Barry. The Flash would become involved when his investigation of Central City's alien infestation becomes crossed with Green Lantern's case. Seeing as how these aliens appear to be aquatic, Aquaman involves himself thinking he can communicate with them. The Martian Manhunter would get a little backstory by Steve Trevor and Amanda Waller, apparently being captured by ARGUS in 1955. Because his last time among humans was in the 50's, The Martian would momentarily have his Golden Age appearance and simulate old-fashioned dialogue before "updating" himself to a more modern vocabulary and appearance. By linking the heroes minds up to his telepathic powers, Martian Manhunter would allow the heroes to fully understand each others abilities. The Faceless Hunter's backstory would show he was a traitor to his peaceful planet and the minion to Starro. Starro himself would be the endgame villain for the heroes, describing himself as a self-made god only seeking slaves. The longer a Starro spawn is attached to a human, the stronger they become, meaning characters like Superman and Green Lantern would have to hit a little harder to defeat the stronger Starro slaves. While Batman and Superman work together to design a large enough lens for Superman's Phantom Zone Projector, the other five heroes would tangle in a battle with Starro similarly to the cover of "Brave and The Bold #28". A the end of the movie-after trapping Starro in the Phantom Zone and exterminating the Starro spawns-the saved people of Earth applaud the heroes, who themselves would ultimately agree on joining forces for good. With Agent Steve Trevor acting as their liaison with the U.S. government and the mysterious Maxwell Lord being assigned as their media agent, The Justice League would be formed. The film would end with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman and The Martian Manhunter walking into their base-The Hall of Justice-and closing the doors. An after-credits scene would show the team arguing over a functional headquarters and agreeing on something "out of this world".
Now there's a lot of ideas floating around in my head as to what could be included in this film, but I think I touched on the major details. The whole theme to this team-up movie would be "humanity", for as different these people are from each other and no matter where they're from, they all hold a strong belief in doing what's right. I hope you enjoyed the first Phase of the PBDC, it will be taking a one-week break until Phase Two begins. Please leave comments, questions and suggestions voicing your opinion of The PBDC so far. Thanks for reading!

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