Monday, June 22, 2015

Love Conquers All

The PBDC turns it's gaze to the next adventure of The Green Lantern. As Hal Jordan returns to his home city and rekindles old relationships, someone from his past will test his loyalty and redefine the term "tough love". This is the pitch for "Green Lantern: Reign of The Zamarons".
After saving the world from Starro and preventing the Atlantean assault, The Green Lantern has been busy reconnecting with Earth and handling his responsibilities to The Green Lantern Corps. Hal finally decides to return to his hometown Coast City, but he's surprised to learn that his secret identity has been outed. As if that's not distracting enough, Hal is being hunted down by a race of aliens calling themselves The Zamarons and their mysterious leader-The Star Sapphire-has plans for Hal. It will take all his strength and all his will to defeat The Zamarons and prevent them from laying waste to Coast City.
As told by The Guardians, there once existed a people called The Maltusians who were one of the oldest races in the galaxy. When chaos ensued throughout the universe, a group of Maltusians decided to protect the universe. This group became The Guardians, but what was not revealed to the GLC is that another Maltusian group of females decided they had no part in the matter and became a warrior-women tribe called The Zamarons. When their strength became too powerful, The Guardians ordered their robot soldiers to destroy The Zamaron's war base, but this accidentally killed their queen Agapo. Using their psionic powers, The Zamarons converted Agapo's power into a crystal and hid for centuries.
Back to Hal Jordan! Because GL's mask is so small, many Coast City residents recognized him on the news and someone leaked his secret identity, luckily he has no enemies on Earth to harm his remaining family. His rep as Green Lantern is tested though by Guy Gardner, a cop who grew up with Hal. Guy wants to use the ring, Hal's old buddies want to know about the League, Hal's family is upset because he disappeared those years ago without any warning and-according to everyone in Coast City-Hal Jordan's girlfriend Carol Ferris is dead. Carol was Hal's boss over at Ferris Aircraft when Hal was a test pilot, the two fell in love and dated for many years before Hal Jordan was brought the GL's planet Oa and began his career as a Lantern. While he was gone, Carol supposedly quit her job and drunkenly drove off a cliff into the ocean. Carol's father gives Hal a beating as he blames him, but it's not all bad because Hal's superhero gig gets him a lot more attention. He's even invited to the Ferris/Queen Merger: a gathering of employees of Ferris Aircraft and Queen Industries that solidifies Queen's buyout of Ferris Aircraft. That being said, Oliver Queen/Green Arrow would appear in this movie. The Zamarons first attack at this party and we see their leader-The Star Sapphire-can create light constructs like GL. Olli would suit up as Green Arrow to help in this scene, but after that battle he'd go back to Star City as he doesn't support The Justice League.
Green Lantern Arisia Rrab would join Hal at the request of The Guardians under the human name Elisa Rad. The Guardians send Arisia because they are aware The Zamarons only kill men. Towards the end of the film things start falling together, The Star Sapphire and The Zamarons are attempting to convert all of Coast City's women into Zamaron Warriors by killing their mates and igniting the remorseful love of all the widows. The Zamaron's psionic abilities don't just allow illusionary disguises (used to appear as Earthlings) but they also allow them to tap into the Pink Spectrum of Love in the same way The GLC uses the Green Spectrum of Will.
Carol Ferris didn't die, she was pulled from her car and replaced by a dead Durlan (an alien capable of copying any organism's physiology). Carol's love for Hal was so strong, The Zamarons chose her to be their new leader and infused Agapo's crystal into her, this corrupted her mind and after seeing Hal resurface as a Green Lantern, she turned the sapphire crystals into Pink Power Rings and started her attack on Coast City to grow her army and capture Hal Jordan. Carol's costume would first appear as it's typical comic appearance, but after the final battle it would convert into it's New 52 design and The Zamaron's would don similar costumes and power rings. Hal and Arisia would give a mean fight and it would all come down to Hal and Carol. Miraculously, Hal convinces Carol that what she's doing isn't in the vain of love, it is in the vain of spite. Still believing her place is among her newfound sisters, Carol agrees not to attack Coast City and she ushers in an age of peace for The Zamarons, they then return to planet Maltus and Carol kisses Hal goodbye. Green Lantern may have saved Coast City, but Hal Jordan just lost the love of his life.
The after credits display a meeting of The Guardians who concern over other Lights of The Emotional Spectrum being used and how consequential it could be. Their conversation continues over other brief scenes. One scene shows Sinestro flying his spacecraft into a skull-shaped ship, as he holds a yellow ring in his palm. Another scene shows a giant pink alien rising from a pool of blood, red ring in hand. The final scene shows a robed figure climbing a tall mountain into a hollow cave. The cave displays pictures of different colored gods clashing and from the wall emerges a Blue Lantern Battery. The figure is revealed to be a white stalky alien and he sits on the cliffside with the battery held above his head, as if he is praying. As a blue ring forms around the alien's finger, the camera pans out to reveal the entire planet. Surrounding this planet is a green light halo with a familiar symbol.
As Green Lantern's world grows ever larger, this movie aims to bring Hal Jordan back to humanity. Saving the world and having adventures have turned Hal into a confident wisecracker, but this plot serves to remind him of his own mortality. Conquering fear was his first challenge, but here he must conquer his own love. With no clear sense of who truly won, this experience molds Hal into a smarter hero, one prepared for the coming war The Guardians predict. Thanks for reading.
An old foe returns to cause some new trouble, loyal readers. Brainiac returns in "Justice League: Breached Earth".

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