Monday, December 14, 2015

Falling Stars

"Booster Gold: World's Finest"
"Citizens of Earth! Meet the world's greatest crime-fighting duo! It's Booster Gold and The Blue Beetle! One is a champion from the future, the other a genius of the modern age! Together, they protect your world and many others from threats beyond creation! Official members of the esteemed Justice League, these two heroes represent all that good and righteous! So come along and watch as The World's Finest Heroes save the world in a flash of Gold and Blue!"
The film begins with a movie trailer for "Booster Gold: The Legend Reborn". Tom Cruise stars as Booster Gold as he rescues a damsel in distress from a dragon being ridden by Lord Chronos, played by Steve Buscemi. Booster saves the woman and a fireball from the dragon is blocked by a golden pod that fell from the sky, from this pod is Booster's robot assistant Skeets, played by Paul Bettany. Booster and Skeets try to blast the dragon, but the final blow is shot from a giant beetle-shaped aircraft and Blue Beetle descends, played by Christian Bale. The three heroes watch as the dragon explodes, then they walk towards the camera and away from the explosion as Booster says "Boosterrific".
The screen is shut of by the Warner Bros executives and they ask the actual Booster Gold what he thinks of the movie they are making based off his adventures. Booster insists he just play himself and leaves to take a call, leaving the executives scared and indecisive on who has to call Tom. Over Skeet's message system, Booster is told by his agent Maxwell Lord that his toy deal is going to fall through if he doesn't order more than just himself in alternate costumes. Skeets reminds Booster of a meeting he has with The JL, but Booster instead has a date with Doctor Tracy Simmons.
On the streets of Hub City, a portal opens in an alleyway and a woman steps through in a strange costume, she claims that she made it and flies away. The portal closes, but is ripped open when the woman flies away, a girl in dark clothes shreds through the portal. Booster Gold and Tracy are having dinner atop a bridge, with Skeets playing romantic music. The date is interrupted by Ted Kord's flying ship, The Bug. Ted-as The Blue Beetle-emerges and tells Booster he needs a hand. Booster leaves Tracy on the bridge.
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle show up at an arcade where a group of criminals calling themselves The Madmen are holding children hostage. Apparently they have a bomb too. They demand millions, so Blue Beetle and Booster Gold walk in and hand over a briefcase. When the lead Madman swipes it and opens it, Skeets is in the case and he flashes a light that blinds The Madmen. Beetle grabs the bomb trigger while Booster begins flying the kids out. Booster flies in when all the kids are out and one of the Madmen has the bomb and wire cutters, he also has Beetle pinned down. Booster tries to talk him down, but suddenly the cutters fly out of the man's hand and into the hands of the portal woman from before. She introduces herself as Goldstar. Booster recognizes her as his sister from the future. Goldstar defeats the remaining Madmen and the three heroes emerge into the crowd, who question this new hero. Booster tells Skeets and Beetle to sort the situation while he and Goldstar-Michelle Carter-talk while they fly.
After it was reported that her brother stole stuff from a museum and disappeared, Michelle researched and found an obscure hero in the history books named Booster Gold. She learned this hero came from the future and was a glory hog, she put it together that Booster was her brother and she stole technology from the 30th Century version of Kord Industries to travel back in time to find her brother. Michelle wants Michael to come back to the future, but he convinces his sister to give the present day a few days before deciding to travel back home.
From there, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and Goldstar would act as a team fighting crime and helping on JL missions. Goldstar warms up to the present and even starts to fall for Blue Beetle. They don't notice it, but a mysterious man is following their exploits. The girl in dark clothes finds the hideout of The Madmen, who begin to reform after their last crime was a bust. They try to attack this girl, but she uses magical powers to subdue them. She introduces herself as The Thirteen, an urban mystic from a world not too different from theirs. She uses magic to mind control them and claims she wants the brightest thing in the city: Kord Ind HQ. Skeets is overfilled with messages from The League, Maxwell Lord, various agencies and Tracy Simmons. While he is shut down, Booster is met in his penthouse by the mysterious man. This man is Rip Hunter-the time traveller-who claims if Booster and Michelle are not sent back, world's could be destroyed. He claims Michelle's time jump sent a wave that opened a door for a villain from another world. Booster Gold is skeptical, and his 20th century deadbeat ancestor Daniel Carter knocks Rip Hunter out with a vase, thinking he helped. Blue Beetle drops Goldstar off at Booster's penthouse and she overhears what Rip says.
Madmen swarm Kord Ind HQ and Blue Beetle is approached by The Thirteen. Tracy is there too and she realizes this Thirteen looks exactly like her. As Thirteen put it, she is a version of Tracy Simmons from a world dominated by magic. In her world, all Tracy ever desired was light. After being arrested by the police, Rip Hunter escapes them and steals a car. Booster Gold and Goldstar are fighting in the penthouse as Michelle is trying to time jump them back to the future, but Booster won't let her. He destroys the time device and Michelle yells at Booster, telling him that he's acting like that cheater he once was. Booster claims in this time he "is somebody". Not a loser or a criminal, but a hero that people respect. That he earned being who he is. Michelle tells Booster that in his time he was somebody, at least somebody to her. Before flying off to answer Beetle's distress call, Michelle tells Booster not to be so selfish like their father.
The Thirteen has used her powers to turn The Madmen into lizard creatures who attack Blue Beetle, who struggles to protect Tracy. While the penthouse is empty, a shadowy figure looms over Skeets. Booster Gold and Goldstar help Blue Beetle fight The Thirteen and the Madmen Lizards. The fight turns worse when Skeets shows up and tries to use his light flash trick again, only for Thirteen to want him for his shininess. Rip Hunter shows up just in time to use some magic tricks he learned on his travels to turn the Madmen into humans again. Upon seeing Rip, Michelle knows what needs to be done. Goldstar grabs Thirteen and uses the broken time travel device as a bomb. As Booster cries out, Michelle and Thirteen fly into the sky and explode.
After stopping Booster from attacking Rip Hunter, Blue Beetle has the authorities help clean up. The Madmen are arrested, Tracy Simmons quits Kord Ind because of fear for her life and the clear destruction of Booster Gold's heart, and Rip Hunter disappears. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle make a grave in memory of Michelle as we are shown scenes of companies tossing out Booster Gold merchandise and the media claiming he caused the death of his own sister. The Justice League and Maxwell Lord try contacting Booster, but Blue Beetle tells them that he needs time to heal. In the penthouse, Skeets reveals he detected speech patterns from Michelle before she blew up. He plays the recording and-before her death-Michelle told Booster that she loved him and that he has always been her hero. That for everything they have lost, he has always risen back up and refused to stay down. That he didn't come to the present for money or attention, but so he could rise from defeat without fear of a glass roof above him. Michelle states she will always be proud of her brother. Hearing this, Booster Gold tells Skeets to delete all his business contacts and cancel any media plans. As they leave the room, Skeets asks Booster what he's going to do. "Be a hero" Booster proclaims.
The credits show us scenes of Booster saving people from burning buildings and stopping car accidents. Getting hurt along the way, but never staying for a photo. Scenes of him having lunch with Beetle next to Michelle's grave, telling Beetle about their childhood adventures. Another scene is of Booster Gold bringing a cake to The Justice League as a farewell to their fallen teammate.
After the credits, Daniel Carter is given a superpower-granting suit by Rip Hunter, Rip says it will only work when worn by "a Carter" and that he wants Daniel to have it in case Booster needs more help. Because Daniel is stupid, he plans on wearing it 24/7, "just in case". Rip Hunter walks into a time portal and is met in the tunnel of time by a being in a large chair. Rip calls this being Metron, The New God of Time. Metron comments on a sloppy job Rip has done in the case of The Carters, that the effects of more time travel will send more abnormalities into the main timeline and that with Barry Allen lost in another dimension, only Rip can help patch it. He then comments on Michelle and Rip defends his decision to-without anyone knowing-go back in time and transport Michelle back to the future while Booster believed she died in the explosion. Rip claims Michelle will be allowed to live a normal life again, Thirteen will stay in her world, and Booster Gold will become a stronger hero from this false death. Metron warns Rip that a tide of unaccountable waves will hit and when it does, he better hope Booster Gold won't hold a grudge.
Thanks for reading.
The game comes to end, "Justice League: Checkmate" come next.

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