Thursday, December 3, 2015

Jumping Jenner, Snowman!

It is around this time of the year, I hear all the children cheer, "oh boy, it is snowing! School? I'm not going! I'm having my Christmas right here". But oh, does it bug when I drag my feet on the rug and look out onto my lawn. I'd love snow too, much like you, but I've been an adult all along. Now I hate snow, just to let you know. Curse all who praise it's creation! But among some adults, there exist some dolts, who show snow too much appreciation. So grab your coco and I'll grab my aspirin. Today's Z-Lister is The Blue Snowman. Fa-la-la-la-la, fa-la-la-la!
On the first day of November in the year 1946, "Sensation Comics #59" told a story like this. About a teacher who was the daughter of a scientist. Her father made a fog that could freeze surfaces in a blitz, but rather than helping society, Byrna Brilyant exploited this mist. Crafting a ray to disperse this frosting of land, Byrna became The Blue Snowman. A brilliant disguise dressing up so masculine, perhaps an eyebrow towards gender was William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter's plan. Now clad in blue clothes and the look of tin, Byrna's cold plan could finally begin. She went to the farms across her small town and held up her ray gun to make farmers fall down. She froze all their crops and claimed off the top, "If you don't give me your life savings, you'll be serving snowballs to shops". But before the riches could fall in pan, The Blue Snowman was pummeled by Wonder Woman! Defeated and bruised, Byrna couldn't refuse, she unfroze the crops with the weapon she used.
After joining Villainy Inc and fighting Wonder Woman time and again, it was Power Girl who was next to fought The Blue Snowman. After losing to the Kryptonian with such robust bust, Blue Snowman was seduced by the villain Vartox's musk!
No seriously, this guy Vartox is an alien super-villain based off of Sean Connery's character from the 1974 film "Zardoz". One of his powers is that his scent makes you fall in love with him. Ahem. Moving on!
Feeling love for the man I previously mentioned, The Blue Snowman fought to protect the smelly villain. A monster called Ix Negaspike was going to eat Vartox whole, so The Blue Snowman leaped in and yelled "No"! Ix Negaspike was fought bravely by The Blue Snowman, but she was sadly devoured, never to be seen again.
Until The New 52, but she showed up like once.
Along with DC's many characters who can shoot ice, this cold villain could use some advice. Freeze had sympathy, Cold had an interesting code, maybe Snowman is an idea left too old. A ice-cold woman in a iron-clad man suit is really something that could make a better debut, but sadly and thankfully writers have to interest in her. Or is she a him, I hate coming off obscure. I can only wish the best that Snowman gets her do too, Rao knows other ice-folk have walked in cleaner shoes. Much like the villains Wonder Woman has beat, thanks to the Amazon this is one Winter we'll hopefully never meet.
Thank you for reading and Happy Holidays!

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