Monday, December 7, 2015

Krypton's Last Daughter

1978, galaxies away from planet Earth the planet known as Krypton suffers a catastrophic meltdown at the hands of spoiled resources. A brilliant scientist named Jor-El and his wife Lara-El sends their newborn son Kal-El to a planet similar enough to their own, Earth. At the same time, Jor-El's brother Zor-El and his wife send their teenaged daughter Kara to Earth following Kal-El. Though she is scared and doubtful, Kara is sent into space, frozen in a cryogenic sleep. Kal-El landed on Earth shortly after the destruction of Krypton, but Kara's pod never fell. Until today.
A falling space pod lands next to Gotham Harbor. From out of the ocean a girl emerges, speaking a strange language and attacking dock workers. She steals a coat and runs away from a dark vehicle. The girl finds out she can fly and evades the vehicle faster, only to be shot down by an aircraft of some sort. She falls onto a roof and out of the two vehicles come a boy in red spandex and a man dressed as a bat. Batman and Robin speculate what this girl is, deducing by her alien language she is from Krypton. She tries to fight them, but is defeated by Kryptonite gas.
This girl wakes up in The Batcave, restrained to a chair. She breaks free to find she has been clothed and that her crashed pod has been recovered from the ocean. She yells at Robin for touching her stuff, but still can't understand anyone. Alfred Pennyworth hands her the english dictionary and-using a mix of super speed and sped up brain processing-she learns english. Batman sits her down and finds out her name is Kara-El, she is the cousin of Kal-El sent after him to raise him on planet Earth. Batman and Robin have a hard time breaking it to her, but Kara's pod was stuck in the orbit of a small moon while Kal-El came to Earth. While he was on Earth, Kara was stuck in orbit for thirty-five years. Because of the stasis effects of her pod, Kara didn't physically change, but she is technically fifty-three years old. When they mention Kal-El becoming Clark Kent and later the hero Superman, Kara flies off to Metropolis to meet him before Batman can tell her about his death.
Kara lands in front of the Superman Shrine in the center of Metropolis and recognizes the "S" as their family crest. She is met by Lois Lane, who is visiting Superman's grave as always. They talk without knowing who each other is until one of Lex Luthor's Superman Robots appears on scene to capture Kara. At first, Kara is happy to see her cousin, but her super hearing allows her to hear gears, computer processors and fan systems inside this Superman Robot. She realizes this is a fake and flies away, only to be chased by the Robot for a short time until she leaves Metropolis. The Robot ponders on this Kryptonian girl for a minute before being called back in by Lex.
After refusing to be kept "hostage" in The Batcave, Batman begrudgingly brings Kara to the island of Themyscira, home to Wonder Woman/Queen Diana and the Amazons. Kara becomes fast friends with Cassandra Sandsmark/Wonder Girl-even talking about her heartbreak over Krypton to her-and is trained by Amazons to control her powers. After three month of learning, Diana deems her in control of her powers and awards her with a costume made from the cloth of Superman's costume and with Amazonian design, a suit deeming her "Supergirl". In order for Kara to fully ingrate into modern Earth society, Wonder Woman and Batman suggest she live with Pete Ross and Lara Lang on The Kent Farm in Smallville, where Clark grew up. Before that change of scenery, Kara decides to meet the one person on Earth who knew Superman best: Lois Lane. "For real" this time.
In the underground labs of MetroCorp, Lex Luthor is making repairs to The Superman Robot, claiming he is the last model and needs to be constantly upgraded to avoid shutdown like the other two. The Superman Robot-labeled "Cyber-3"-questions if this Kryptonian girl is like him. Lex berates the machine, claiming she is an actual Kryptonian and he is a mere machine. He was designed to be Superman, but can never aspire for more than that. Kara visits Lois and explains everything, Lois describes Clark to Kara and considers her family. Lois also makes Kara laugh by asking "Do all Kryptonians look like supermodels". As Kara leaves Lois' home, she is attacked by Cyber-3. Their battle is one-sided, as her Amazonian training gives Kara the edge. Cyber-3 tries to connect with her on a parental level, but the reminder that Cyber-3 thinks he's her family offends Kara and she flies away. When she is beyond the city limit, she learns Cyber-3 is not authorized to leave Metropolis. Against her better judgement, Kara goes with Cyber-3 back to MetroCorp.
Lex and Kara talk, providing Kara with an uncomfortable look at Lex's opinions over Superman. During the conversation, Lex tries to take a sample of Kara's DNA, but is stopped by Cyber-3. Enraged, Lex threatens to destroy Cyber-3 just like he destroyed Superman. This triggers Kara into almost killing Lex, but being fought again by Cyber-3. She runs away and Lex continues to yell at Cyber-3, but the robot tosses Lex aside and leaves.
Back in Themyscira, Kara tells all this to Diana. Lex Luthor tells his scientists to unplug Cyber-3, but they claim he has overridden his own programing. Cyber-3 is convinced he is Superman, even going to far as to relabel himself "Cyborg Superman" and identify himself as a Superman who survived Doomsday via robotic parts. Cyborg Superman arrives at Theymscira and says the same. Though Diana is protective, Kara agrees to talk to Cyborg Superman on the beach of the island. Cyborg Superman believes he wasn't built to be Superman, he was built to continue his life. He knows he can't repair everything, he can't convince Lois or rejoin the League, but he believes Kara's arrival to be a sign of Superman returning with a new hope. Kara is touched and agrees to go wherever Cyborg Superman goes. Lex Luthor is watching this and figures "two birds, one stone" and decides if he can't control Cyber-3, neither will the robot. Luthor activates "Protocol Doom" which turns Cyborg Superman into a assassination robot, targeted at "Amazons". Cyborg Superman begins destroying Themyscira, beating and even killing some Amazons, Wonder Woman tries to defeat the machine, but Cyborg Superman is cataloged with all of the JL's weaknesses (copying Batman's already stolen plans) and ties Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl with the Lasso of Truth.
Supergirl and Cyborg Superman fight. Cyborg Superman is verbally ashamed, but can't keep himself from destroying Supergirl, and while she is upset to fight him Kara still must stop Cyborg Superman. By flying towards the sun, Supergirl is supercharged and Cyborg Superman is shorted out by solar rays. Supergirl heat visions Cyborg Superman into the oceans below and lands on the island. She releases the Amazons, but Cyborg Superman returns from the oceans, skin partially burnt off and moving like a puppet. Cyborg Superman's head is then ripped off by Supergirl. Lex is in his office watching the recording short out and moments later the body and head of Cyborg Superman are thrown into his office by Supergirl. She warns him that if he ever makes another Superman or threatens Metropolis, Supergirl will rip his head off next. She then flies off, annoying Lex Luthor, "Great. Another scout".
As Supergirl, Kara appeals to the Metropolis public who were opposed to Superman robots. She is given blessing by Lois, Batman and Wonder Woman to be the new hero of Metropolis, but live her civilian life as Kara Kent in Smallville. At the end of the film, Kara is guided to The Fortress of Solitude by Martian Manhunter-who has been observing her development, but not interacting with any heroes. Since he has had access before to the Fortress, he guides her inside to see it alone for herself. Kara explores the Fortress, seeing rare alien animals, multiple suits, Superman's helper program Kelex, computer projections of the El Family, and she finds the shrunken city of Kandor, a city of Krypton stolen and shrunk before the planets destruction. She finds the Phantom Zone, home to Kryptonian criminals. Finally, Kara is greeted by a helper AI modeled after Superman should anyone ever take his place. With revelation that Krypton's people and legacy will live on through herself and the captured Kryptonians, Supergirl ends this inspiring moment off with a pop song from Krypton she brought on her pod, and she dances out of the Fortress.
The credits show little scenes of Kara using her powers in mundane situations: using super speed to try on multiple outfits for the day, shaving her legs with heat vision, using flight to appear taller and sneak onto a roller coaster. After the credits, Lois Lane is having coffee with someone and explaining how this new Supergirl is physically a teenage girl, has superpowers and is attractive. The coffee of her guests drink shakes as she explains this and it's revealed to be Jimmy Olson home from a vacation and he is excited to soon meet Supergirl, even asking for her number, to Lois' embarrassment.
Thank you for reading.
Guess who's back? "Booster Gold: World's Finest" is up next.

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