Saturday, January 2, 2016

Way Too Many Marvels

If you thought the lineage of Marvel Comic's Captain Marvel was over you are sorely mistaken! We're taking a look at another legacy character in comic books, this time around it's Ms Marvel. Once just an off-shoot of Captain Marvel, this mantle took on it's own purpose.

Carol Danvers (Created 1968, Served 1977)
Carol Danvers was originally an officer of the U.S. Air Force and an ally to Doctor Walter Lawson-the human disguise of Captain Marvel. Carol was kidnapped by one of Cap's enemies and was caught in the explosion an alien bomb. After awaking, she discovered the alien bomb rearranged her genetics and made her half human, half Kree (the same alien species as Captain Marvel). Her new powers included flight, super strength, and energy projection and absorption. As Ms Marvel, Carol starred in her own comic book series and became an ally to The Defenders, The Avengers, and The X-Men. Ms Marvel ended up becoming more relevant and popular than Captain Marvel himself. By 2012, Carol was so popular Marvel Comics gave her the Captain Marvel mantle. Today she leads a team of all female heroes called A-Force.

Sharon Ventura (Created/Served 1985)
While Ben Grimm/The Thing was a wrestler for The Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation, he met a woman named Sharon Ventura who was so inspired by The Thing she decided to join the UCWF as "Ms Marvel". To do this, she was experimented on by a villain named The Power Broker's assistant Doctor Karl Malus and given super strength. However, The Power Broker arranged it so that Sharon would be fooled into thinking her powers were dependent on drugs Dr. Malus provided. It is also implied she was sexually harassed while under Malus' experiments. After the UCWF was taken down, she joined The Fantastic Four and was pelted with cosmic rays during a mission. Her mutation was similar to The Thing, and as a result she became She-Thing. Due to unimportant events, she is currently still She-Thing and is being held in prison.

Karla Sofen (Created 1975, Served 2009)
Karla Sofen was a psychiatrist who's income was so terrible she began aiding the criminal Doctor Faustus just to get by. Once introduced to the world of super-villains, Karla took a villain named Moonstar on as a patient and manipulated him into giving her the gem that gives him his powers. Powers like super strength, flight, gravity control, intangibility, photon blasts, and light generation. Karla used the gem to become the new Moonstone and commit acts of villainy. When Norman Osborn took control of SHIELD, he assembled a new, darker team of Avengers. Karla was given the name and costume of Ms Marvel and became a powerhouse of The Dark Avengers. She was last seen on a criminal-turned-hero team called The Thunderbolts.

Kamala Khan (Created/Served 2013)
Kamala was a Muslim teenager living in New Jersey who was a huge fan of superheroes, Captain Marvel being her favorite. After Terrigen Mists spread through the city, she was effected and turned into an Inhuman. With her new powers of shapeshifting, Kamala embraced her fandom and took on the first moniker of her idol, Ms Marvel. Since then she's become a very popular character, crossing over into other books and joining The Avengers. Her presence in the Marvel Universe is a welcomed addition and brings back a sense of importance to the Ms Marvel legacy.

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