Monday, June 27, 2016

Bat Facts

Let's just see how much of a Batman fan you really are! Here are One-Dozen Batman Facts!
1. Bob Kane and Bill Finger drew inspiration for Batman from Sherlock Holmes, Doc Savage, Zorro, Dick Tracy, and Dracula.

2. Bruce Wayne will often use cider or juice to replicate alcohol at parties so that he does not become weaker in a drunken state, however he has taken hallucinogens in an attempt to research insanity.

3. Despite the easy tropes of making Batman a dark and tortured loner, Batman has the biggest family in comic books. Currently The Batman Family is made up of roughly fifteen members, nine of them being sidekicks Batman has trained.

4. With The Martian Manhunter's help Batman has tested himself surviving the vacuum of space and has calculated he'd survive twenty-three seconds.

5. Though he is not as powerful as Superman or as skilled as Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne knows over one-hundred and twenty-seven forms of martial arts and is credited as the most dangerous man on the planet by Superman himself.

6. In a story arc called "Tower of Babel" Batman reveals he has plans to neutralize every member of the Justice League if necessary. This also applies to past and future members of The League meaning Batman has ways to take out characters like Doctor Fate, Captain Atom, and Shazam, all of whom can believably defeat Superman.

7. Batman's first incarnation carried a standard pistol, but when comics became friendlier he abandoned the gun. Modern Batman refuses to use guns as part of his "No Killing Rule", but has operated firearms and used them to set off explosions and cause non-lethal damage. While he typically does not allow his partners to kill, he will allow Jason Todd to use guns for wounding.

8. Batman is the most tonally adaptable character in comic books. His most innocent interpretation was in 1966's TV show starring Adam West as a campy, goofy Batman. While his darkest interpretation was in Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" where he openly threw a Batarang into The Joker's eye.

9. The yellow circle around Batman's symbol was originally part of the initiative to make Batman more child friendly, but in-story it has been added to the costume because it is the brightest part of the costume and most likely to be aimed at by gunfire in the night, but it is also the most bullet proof part of the costume meaning criminals will waste ammo on it.

10. The name of Batman's city-Gotham City-was named after a jewelry store Bill Finger found in a phone book. The name originates from a village in England called Gotham. The city was based off the crime-ridden parts of both New York City and Chicago.

11. There have been three versions of elderly Bruce Wayne that are connected to some of DC Comic's most popular projects. The aforementioned "The Dark Knight Returns" was about an elderly Bruce Wayne coming out of retirement to strike fear into the hearts of criminals yet again. The story "Kingdom Come" was about an elderly Bruce Wayne coming out of retirement to prevent an elderly Superman from imprisoning the irresponsible new-age superheroes. And in the cartoon "Batman Beyond" an elderly Bruce Wayne comes out of retirement to tutor a young man into becoming the new Batman.

12. The reason nobody finds out Bruce Wayne is Batman is because Batman will hack onto different internet forums under different identities and create rumors about himself. Batman will spark theories as to who or what "The Batman" is. With so many ways to prove Bruce Wayne is Batman never being used by the general public it's safe to assume Batman's strategy works.
Thanks for reading!
What's your favorite thing about Batman? Comment below!

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