Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Marvel Medieval #4

Marvel Medieval is a tabletop RPG of my own design. Myself and The Comic Buffet Crew are playing this game on a new podcast series over on The Panel Biter Podbean! So if you want to follow along or learn some lore, this is the post for you!

Character Focus: The Fix
Race: Hulkling
Class: Heavy
Gear: Heavy Armor, Side Bag, Ball & Chain.
Skill Chart:
Forceful +2, Careful +0, Flash +1, Quick +1, Sneak -1, Clever +0
Character Specials:
World Breaker: Delivers an earth-shaking punch, will stun target enemy and/or create a ground-based wave of force.
Megaton Clap: By slamming his hands together, Fix sends a wave of sound forward to push targets away.
Joseph/The Fix operated as a bodyguard to King Fisk for the entirety of his early career. He forced to work for Fisk for the security of his life. Luckily he had been contacted by a clan of Hulklings called The Choir. This group heard of Fix's "talents" and recruited him to be part of their clan. Now free of Fisk, Fix can take on the role of a guard, an enforcer, or a hired gun. With The Choir providing him resources he's become a well-known hired help. Though he has respect for The Choir, Fix will more often attribute his success to himself.

 Race: Humans
Humans are the most common race of people in Franrich. They control a majority of the land, businesses, and have long family ties. It is rumored that all races-Hulklings, Mutants and so on-are derived from Humans. With a large populous and history, Humans are the most lax of Races. They don't excel at any particular skill naturally and must train to be good at something. In that way, Humans are the most malleable race. And with most Kings in Franrich being Human they also have a bit of a privilege. A Human's Race Ability is called "Focus Senses". Due to their lack of natural-born superpowers, the senses of Humans have adapted to avoid danger. If a Human fails a Perception roll (a 20-sided Dice), they are allowed one more roll. With Franrich being littered in Humans of all Classes and kinds, you'll be better off playing nice with them. Otherwise you might start a mob.

Beware: Negative Fogs
Due to the experiments of King Richards, a strange fog has seeped out of a portal and into the forests of Franrich. They aren't common, but if you ever hear the sound of cloth ripping you should be weary as it might mean a portal has opened near your location. This portal leads to a space beyond our planet and through the portal comes a gas that effects the bodies of all Races. "Negative Fog" will nullify the Skills of any players standing in it. That means Modifiers are not counted in roll results. Example: Max's character wants to climb a tree to get a look of the forest. This would otherwise be easy as he has a +2 in Careful. He rolls a 4 (Success with Casualty), but his +2 bumps it up to a 6 (Success with Bonus). But if we add a Negative Fog to the area, he rolls a 4 and is given no Modifier. This results in him climbing the tree, but being stung by a bee on the way up. Without pluses you may find it harder to perform Actions, or easier given your respective minuses. When covered in this Negative Fog, try not to conduct too many Actions.

Location: Giant's Pass Canyon
Found between the Kingdoms of Genosha and Attilan, Giant's Pass Canyon is a bizarre managed by a community of Moloids. The chief of the bizarre is a Human named Elder, he commands his Moloid employees to help visiting merchants set up shops inside the skeleton. Most of the renowned shops sit inside the rib cage, towards the pelvis are the novelty shops, and the bedrooms of the Moloids rest under the skull. The skull has been hollowed out and made into Elder's room. It is believed that this skeleton belongs to the last Giant as no other Giants have ever been seen. Various Kings have attempted to buy the skeleton from Elder, but he always refuses. Rumor is the Giant's brain contains a type of magic that has gone understudied, a magic only Professor Hank Pym of Genosha has properly studied. If you are ever looking to stock up on healing items or need a spot to rest, the corpse of a giant is the safest place to visit.
Enough said!

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