Sunday, February 11, 2018

Carol Facts

Are you a fan of Carol Danvers? Good, because we have One Dozen Captain Marvel Facts
1. Before being infused with Kree DNA, Carol was a member of The United States Air Force. Since being a superhero she's been a member of SHIELD, various Avengers teams-including the all female A-Force, NASA, The X-Men, The Ultimates, The Guardians of The Galaxy, and is the founder of The Alpha Flight Space Program.

2. Before becoming Captain Marvel, Carol spent 35 publication years as Ms. Marvel and grew to be more popular than any Captain Marvel before her. She got her first solo series in 1977. Heroes who have become Captain Marvel before Carol include Kree Captain Mar-Vell in 1967, police lieutenant Monica Rambeau in 1982, Mar-Vell's engineered son Genis-Vell in 1993, Mar-Vell's sister Phyla-Vell in 2004, Skrull agent Khn'nr in 2007, and former Marvel Boy Noh-Varr in 2009.

3. After Carol Danvers, there have been three other Ms. Marvels. Wrestler Sharon Ventura in 1985, supervillain Karla Sofen/Moonstone in 2009, and superhero fangirl Kamala Khan in 2013.

4. For their 200th issue in 1980, "The Avengers" had a story in which Carol was suddenly pregnant without any memory of consummation. Her friends weren't concerned, just happy she was going to have a child. Within a day she gave birth to the child, the child grew up rapidly into being a man, and this man-Marcus-revealed he kidnapped Carol days prior, brought her to another dimension, brainwashed her into loving him, and forced himself on her so that he could exist in our dimension by being reborn as his own son in her womb. He did all this to save his home dimension. Many fans have cited this story as "The Rape of Carol Danvers" due to the obliviousness of the writers and supporting cast and the sheer lack of respect given to Carol. The event was so shocking, one of Carol's original writer's Chris Claremont put Carol in his "X-Men" book so he could write a type of apology to the fans.

5. While in "X-Men", Carol was attacked by Rogue, a member of The X-Men who can copy the abilities of anyone she touches. She ended up draining so much from Carol that Carol's skin became dry and skeleton-like. Rogue stole Carol's powers and military knowledge. Professor X was able to restore Carol's memories in return for Carol wiping out any government files on the X-Men from the Pentagon. Rogue has commonly been seen using super strength, flight, durability, and super speed, all powers she got from Carol, for many years.

6. After experimentation by The Brood, Carol has gotten the ability to absorb enough energy to become as powerful as a "White Hole". What she calls her "Binary" form is the peak of energy manipulation Carol has reached. There was a time following this where she slowly began to lose her powers and begin a drinking habit. Soon she was too drunk to function properly and The Avengers put her on temporary leave. To this day her former habit remains one of her greatest mistakes.

7. For a time, Carol had been dating James "Rhodey" Rhodes/War Machine. The two related over their military experiences and superhero lifestyles. After Rhodey was murdered by Thanos and a future-telling Inhuman was revealed to the public, Carol and Tony Stark began the second "Civil War" event. Carol believed the Inhuman should have been used to stop crimes before they happened, but Tony believed the future wasn't so certain. Carol's motivator was Rhodey's death from something they couldn't of predicted.

8. Alongside her fellow Avengers, Carol Danvers once teamed up with The Autobots in 2007's "New Avengers/Transformers".

9. Carol's powers allow her to absorb and redirect any form of energy. This includes electrical, heat-based, cosmic, nuclear, and psychic to name a few. She has also been shown to absorb and manipulate magical energies while working with Doctor Strange.

10. Before becoming a superhero, Carol has worked with Wolverine, The Thing, and Nick Fury Sr. during her US military days. Then, of course, Wolverine and The Thing were just the soldier named Logan and ace pilot Ben Grimm, respectively. She has also openly admitted to having romantic feelings for Spider-Man, but the two have never explored them. She has also dated the Avenger known as Wonder Man who, ironically, would have his energy-based body absorbed by Rogue for several years.

11. From 1998 to 2000, Carol used the alias Warbird. The same name as vintage military aircrafts used in World War II by various national air forces that are currently seen at airshows.

12. In the reality of "House of M", the roles of mutants and humans have switched so that humans are second-class citizens and mutants rule the Earth under Magneto. In this world, the only non-mutant superhero who is admired is Carol Danvers-who is Captain Marvel in this world. Treated like America's favorite hero, this version of Carol was created from Carol's desire to be seen as a flawless hero after her stint with alcoholism. This brief time as the number 1 hero was the beginning of Marvel Comic's pushing for Captain Marvel to be their golden goose and wash away the mistakes made with the character in the past.
Thanks for reading.

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