Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Once You Go Black

So, not long ago I wrote an article describing what I though the sequels to the newest line of Marvel movies would be like. My "Black Panther 2" pitch kinda depending on a certain South African smuggler being alive. Seeing as how that is out the window, I wanted to pitch another possible sequel. So, here are a few ideas!

The Summery
The first film focused a lot on the royal people of Wakanda, not really the people. You gotta figure after the in-house war of Wakanda at the end of the first film, T'Challa's mission to aid other nations, and the alien battle that's going to happen in "Infinity War", the people of Wakanda could be pretty pissed. All of that discomfort with the direction Wakanda is heading in causes some political dispute between the people who want Wakanda to reach out to other nations and those you believe in old traditions of staying secret. This obviously parallels the "left vs right" debates in modern America. Spearheading the discomfort is an older gentleman named Achebe (Denzel Washington?). T'Challa, meanwhile, is struggling to hold his council together. Among the council is the new leader of The Border Tribe-Eden Fesi. In the comics Eden is a mutant with the ability to teleport anyone to anywhere. Here he can be a mutant (which would be progressive) or  sorcerer in training (which boosts magic's presence), doesn't matter. And he can be played by Tyler James Williamson. M'Baku-leader of the Mountain Tribe-expressed great disappointment with T'Challa, claiming his heart has gone to the world and away from his people. T'Challa must also defend his actions when it comes to Bucky Barnes-the former Winter Soldier. Bucky was allowed citizenship in Wakanda until he feels he is ready to face the world, but most people don't like him living there. Even Nakia and Oyoke are hesitant abut having a former assassin living among them. Everett Ross volunteers to be America's ambassador to Wakanda, but the U.S. government sends in former NY cop and current FBI agent Kasper Cole (played by Ice T) instead. Kasper is mixed, he is very strict in his approach, and he can't be bought, while Ross clearly owes T'Challa a great deal.

The Threat
First we got Achebe, seemingly the voice of the people. Achebe's charisma and understanding lands him the position of Elder Statesman-a position left open after Zuri's death. Achebe also believes T'Challa isn't fit to be King and asks the council to consider putting him on probation until he can decide which he wants to be-a king or an Avenger. While the council votes, Achebe manages to sneak small supplies of liquid into T'Challa's food and drinks throughout the film, this will be important later. Achebe convinces M'Baku that actions need to be taken and The Mountain Tribe plan to overthrow T'Challa and force him into exile. In preparation, Achebe is able to make a temporary ritual to give M'Baku the power of the monkey god Hunaman. Now with powers equal to The Black Panther, M'Baku is ready overthrow his old ally. When they fight, T'Challa loses due to his strength being sapped away. The liquid Achebe put in T'Challa? The same elixir that stripped the power of The Black Panther away before challenges. It takes Bucky, Kasper, Nakia, Shuri, and Oyoke to help Panther defeat M'Baku. However, the fight isn't over as the people of Wakanda have raided Shuri's lab with Achebe and they refuse to give the armory back.

The Reveal
Shuri naturally has a backup laboratory where Black Panther gets an upgraded suit his father T'Chaka kept for emergencies, a suit that can simulate the strength and speed the Heart Shaped Herb provides. Which is fitting because-after what Killmonger did-there are no Heart Shaped Herbs left. The five of them get through the civilians and into Shuri's lab where Achebe is setting something up. Achebe uses a powerful spell to hold everyone in place. Achebe then projects to T'Challa his backstory. How Achebe used to be a farmer living near the border and how he allowed American soldiers to stay on the farm for a night, planning on having them captured by Wakandan trooper in the morning. The soldiers stabbed him to death in his sleep, killed his family, and burnt down his farm. Did King T'Chaka save him? Did The Panther God save him? No, Anansi-trickster god and owner of stories-used his blood as a means to bring Achebe back to life. This would explain Achebe's habit of talking to himself. Achebe gained heightened magical abilities, strength and speed, but manipulation? That was all him. Achebe knew The Black Panther was just a front, a face to be worn by leaders with no heart, no concern. There are no such things as perfect leaders, but those who try to hard cost too much. Achebe then explains he modified Shuri's sonic panels to vibrate throughout the cave, which will render all Vibranium inert. With no mystic connections or Vibranium tools to depend on, T'Challa will be a mere mortal and unable to defend himself against the mutiny. T'Challa grabs Achebe and they fall deep into the caves, surrounded by darkness. The blue lights of Vibranium fading in and out as Achebe's sonic panels do their work. Back on the surface, our heroes try to stop the Wakandan rebellion, but the fight is stopped by Bucky. He tries to talk the rebellion into stopping, but they revolt more. But Bucky has a Cap moment where his speech makes the people realize their mistakes.

The Climax
Achebe and Black Panther fight in the caves, with Achebe having the advantage. Panther has no powers, no suit, and no hope of overpowering Achebe's magic. T'Challa is able to defeat Achebe through sheer force of will and ferociousness. Panther leaves him alive, knowing too many emeries and loses have come from death. The people watch and wait as Panther drags Achebe to the surface and makes his own little "I love you all" speech. But before anyone can celebrate, spiders pour out from Achebe's mouth and form the Trickster God Anansi-who becomes a giant spider-monster and claims Wakanda ruined all his fun. Bucky makes a Spider-Man reference. A Kaiju attack hits Wakanda and our heroes have to protect people the best that they can. T'Challa seeks the help of his ancestors, afraid without his suit or powers he cannot save Wakanda. But T'Chaka reminds T'Challa of his first piece of advice "You must surround yourself with people you trust". This is where Eden comes in. Though he is afraid of his teleporting powers, T'Challa only needs one person: Doctor Strange. It takes all of Eden's strength, but he manages to pull Doc from wherever he was. Doc is a little pissed because he was dealing with something important, but he cuts T'Challa some slack and seals Anansi away. Achebe reappears and tries to convince the people that their king had to go begging to an American for help, but one by one the people stand by their king. Achebe is powerless and locked away. 

The Ending
T'Challa agrees with Achebe's suggestion and puts the council in charge while he does some soul searching in the U.S., Kasper even gives him the guest bedroom at his place. Bucky remains in Wakanda, and turns down a suit Shuri has been designing, one she can't decide to name "White Wolf" or "White Tiger". M'Baku is hospitalized after the side effects of Achebe's ritual, so his wife takes his place on the council. Eden recruits another a representative for civilians of Wakanda on the council. After credit is Panther one a proof with Spider-Man telling him about the giant spider and Peter saying "That's dumb".
Those are just some ideas for what BP2 could be about, in terms of themes and threats and character growth. Thanks for reading.

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