Wednesday, July 25, 2018

One More Try (Spider-Man & Mary Jane Reunited)

Why is this image such a big deal? I know the art isn't great, but it's just Spider-Man and Mary Jane, right? They're kissing, being together, why is this important. Especially when it's something we've before. Well, if you're a big fan of Spider-Man you'll probably know why this image from "Amazing Spider-Man #802" from last week is important. And why it's the best Spider-Man thing ever.
So, let me set the stage for you guys. So for like twenty-five years Peter Parker-The Amazing Spider-Man-had a pretty active love life. Gwen Stacy, Black Cat, Betty Brant, Liz Allen, and, of course, Mary Jane Watson. Then in 1987 Peter and MJ got married and the character of Peter Parker continued his adventures in adulthood. But ever since then, Marvel writers and editors who wanted to write about Spider-Man hooking up with girls and not dragging this chick around made every attempt at making readers hate MJ. Making Spider-Man a character unburdened by MJ. Until their final solution twenty years later when they forced Spider-Man's current writer to write a story in which Peter made a deal with the devil to save the life of his aunt, but in return his wedding would be wiped from history. This element of Spider-Man's life that had stood the test of time for two decades, this characteristic of Spider-Man stories that people grew up with and were comfortable with. And it was ripped away by grown men who hated MJ and made Peter make a choice he would never make.
And then Nick Spencer-this guy who triggered the entire world when he made Captain America a member of Hydra-writes the first issue of his Spider-Man run and ends with Peter and MJ getting back together. Spencer pissed people off with his Captain America story "Secret Empire". People were offended, they thought it was in bad taste, that it was a discredit to the character and the men who made him. And Spencer took all that. Now look, I think "Secret Empire" was a decent story. Not good, not bad, just decent. It was an interesting premise. The ending was awful. But in terms of the initial idea and direction for Cap, I support it because I know it is only a story. This flash-in-the-pan status quo that will go away in a year. And it was and it did. I am not hurt, or ashamed, or emotionally tormented by this fictional character being a nazi for a few months because I knew it would go away and we'd go back to old Cap. Just like when Cap was a werewolf, just like when he was an old man, it would go away.
However, to reassemble a marriage so iconic in the first issue of his run, Spencer surely is trying to win readers back. And this is a sure fire thing. No matter how pissed Captain America fans might be, knowing Spencer is going to be undoing the past ten years of MJ-hate from other writers is fantastic. Even if part of me had some spite towards Spencer, it would be wiped away by this. Granted, this could all be some kind of trick. MJ could be Chameleon or a robot or a clone. Spencer likes to play the long game with this stuff. But I think between the possible romance between MJ and Peter in the MCU and MJ's relationship with Peter in that upcoming PS4 game and the sheer numbers that "Spider-Man Renew Your Vows" comic was making is indicative of Marvel returning to form with Peter and MJ. In June we're getting an event called "Spidergeddon" which seems to involve the Spiderverse, and two characters involved are going to be Spinneret-Mary Jane from the Renew Your Vows Universe-and Spider-Man from the PS4 game. They're highlighting versions of Peter and MJ who are with their universe's counterpart. This story decision could be Spencer playing the long con, or it could be Marvel Editorial eating their hat, growing up, and acknowledging that now Dan Slott is off Spider-Man they can capitalize on the nostalgia of Peter and MJ being together. Either way, it's a good play to make after years of Spider-Man not feeling like Spider-Man. And Spider-Man can't be Spider-Man without his Mary Jane.
Thanks for reading.
Damn if Spider-Man and MJ got their daughter in this universe, Spider-Man and Superman would officially trade spaces.

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