Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Rise From The Rafshes (My Final X-Men Pitch)

From the ashes of "X-Men: Decimation" rises a new mutant superpower that could change the world. However, can all that power be contained by one mortal? Or will fire always envelop it's stage? This is "X-Men: Ashes".
In the last X-Men Pitch I told you I was taking the plots of "X-Men: The Last Stand" and cutting them into two films. This film focuses on the Phoenix portion, taking notes from the "Dark Phoenix Saga", and probably being more entertaining than "Last Stand" or the next Dark Phoenix movie.
Since "Decimation" Jean Grey-now The Phoenix-has been using her enhanced psychic powers to help the world in new ways. She is freeing enslaved mutants from foreign countries, speaking at mutant rights rallies, preventing natural disasters and saving lives. However, Jean has become so preoccupied helping the Earth she has become distant with The X-Men. Things come to a standstill when Jean is enraged and nearly murders a foreign dictator. Jean seemingly disappears.
When Jean returns, she seems like her old self again and The X-Men are happy to see her. But as soon as things settle down The X-Men are attacked by the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. After their battle, The Shi'ar's commanding officer Kallark The Gladiator reveals that Jean Grey destroyed a planet. She is to be judged by a galactic council for her crimes. In the spirit of fairness, Gladiator allows The X-Men to come along as her defense, as Gladiator is aware of the legends of The Phoenix Force. He further explains that The Phoenix Force was a deity of The Shi'ar, a God of Recreation. When Jean came to the Shi'ar Planet her latent psychic potential must have intrigued The Phoenix Force and it chose to live within her. The council finds it appalling that Jean misused the powers of a God to destroy a civilization.
On The Shi'ar Imperium, a council of races from across the galaxy are present. Among the audience are The Guardians of The Galaxy, who witnessed Jean's crime. Also, I dunno how the whole Gamora thing or Adam Warlock stuff is gonna pan out so I took the safe route and did the basic Guardians team sans Gamora. Anyway, they aren't really keen on The X-Men, but Mantis can feel Jean's guilt and confusion. If they could find someone who knows more about The Phoenix Force, maybe Jean could be cleared. He hates to admit it, but Drax knows someone.
While The X-Men and Guardians attend the trail, Drax, Nightcrawler, Psylocke, and Rocket break into a high-security space prison where Thanos is being held. This would require Thanos to alive after "Avengers 4", Assuming he isn't dead, Psylocke tries to pry Thanos' mind for the history of The Phoenix Force, but he straight up tells them the truth. The Phoenix Force was dubbed a God of Recreation, because it destroyed everything. Before Thanos knew of The Infinity Stones, he sought out The Phoenix Force as his goals aligned with the deity's nature. However, he learned The Phoenix Force doesn't attach itself to beings, it possesses them.
When The X-Men and The Guardians bring this up in court they are quickly dismissed. Information given to them by Thanos? Who they broke into a prison to talk to? They're lucky they are not put on trail. Jean accepts her guilt, but just as she is about to be killed for her crimes Cyclops reminds the Shi'ar that The Phoenix Force is a God and if they kill it's vessel it could be blasphemous. In the riots of debate and uncertainty, Jean is corrupted and sneaks away. Psylocke detects she is heading for Earth and the heroes give chase, with Gladiator and his forces behind them.
On Earth's moon, The X-Men and Guardians drop off and go looking for Jean, each of them having an oxygen field around them. They are quickly attacked by The Shi'ar Imperial Guard, but Wolverine sends Cyclops to find Jean. When he finds her, Jean is looking at Earth one last time, knowing The Phoenix Force won't let her live a normal life. She will only cause destruction. Cyclops tries to appeal to her, but she only freaks out and The Dark Phoenix emerges, she attacks The X-Men, The Guardians, and The Imperial Guard. She almost burns Gladiator to a crisp until Scott snaps her out of it. Jean and Scott embrace one last time before Jean uses the Phoenix Force to destroy herself. Leaving only ashes in Scott's arms.
As the funeral of Jean Grey comes to a close, and only Scott and Logan remain, Scott tells Logan to go away. That he wants to be alone. But Logan has been alone for most of his life, and being together suits them all far better. The two men, who loved this woman, stand there and recount the adventures they've had. And Scott asks if their lives are crazy enough for Jean to come back. "Well, slim" Logan says, "you know how a phoenix works".
The end.
I have one more spin-off pitch for you, but aside from that, thank you very much for reading my X-Men MCU pitch series!

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