Saturday, October 4, 2014

Rings, Rants & Recommendations (Part 1)

Today I'll be starting a new weekly segment called "Rant & Recommendation". In these posts I'll be giving my opinion on both the best and worst the comic book media has to offer. Today we'll be exploring the on-screen adaptions of planet Earth's Emerald Knight, The Green Lantern.

On June 17th, 2011 a film adaptation of DC Comic's popular superhero Green Lantern hit the movie screen. With Superman and Batman owning DC's movie lineup, fans of this interstellar hero and his lore were excited to see his story realized. What fans received was a poorly written, awkwardly paced and CGI abused mockery of the Green Lantern mythos. In this movie, test pilot Hal Jordan (played by Ryan Reynolds) is selected by a dying alien to be his galaxies' Green Lantern. Hal meets the rest of the Green Lantern Corps, which consists of aliens from all across the universe equip with Power Rings. These Rings allow their owner to create solid objects out of pure light and are powered by the wielder's willpower. I won't spoil everything and I'm trying to be merciful, but like many other fans I did not enjoy this movie. Visually I believe Reynolds to be a good Hal Jordan, but getting past his characterization and the overused CGI makes every scene a stomachache to a GL fan. Luckily, one good thing spawned from the creation of this movie...

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