Saturday, October 4, 2014

Rings, Rants & Recommendations (Part 2)

Moving on from the Rant segment of this week's R&R I bring you readers a TV series that properly does the Green Lantern justice. And before I move on I'd like to address that these R&R pieces are purely opinion. If my thoughts on a movie, TV show or any other medium of comics disagrees with your own, you are entitled to your opinion. Now then, lets take a look at this week's Recommendation.

With studios believing the Green Lantern movie to rake in big bucks, they decided to milk the name for all it's worth. Thus bringing us to my Recommendation this week: Green Lantern The Animated Series.   Unlike the film's pandering to a movie viewing demographic, this series not only holds hands with the source material, but it down right sings with it. The series starts with no background and launches viewers into the world of Green Lantern. Joined by the GL's rookie trainer Kilowag and the artificial intelligence of a starship, Hal Jordan is tasked with taking on an enemy army called The Red Lantern Corps. Led by Atrocitus and wielding rage-powered rings of there own, The Red Lantern's goal is to kill the Guardians of the Universe for causing universal genocide long before the Guardians established the GLC. Obviously because this is a two season TV show and not a two hour film, this series can fit a lot more Green Lantern lore from the comics and make it accessible to new comic fans. I truly did enjoy this series and would suggest anyone who is interested in Green Lantern, comic books or just animation in general to give the pilot a watch. And with that I'll be signing out and will see you readers tomorrow. Thanks for sticking around!

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