Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Mook with a Mug

Ever since his eruption in pop culture, Deadpool has become everybody's favorite superhero! He got a video game, he's on clothing, he's been in cartoons, there's at least eight Deadpool cosplayers at every convention in America! And with the "Deadpool" movie on way, these "Deadpool fans" are only going to squeal harder over a character they no nothing about. Well, I'll show them, I'll introduce them to Deadpool's biggest fan and only friend, this week's Z-Lister is Bob, Agent of Hydra!

In all fairness, Bob was forced to be Deadpool's right-hand-man. First appearing in "Cable & Deadpool #38" in 2007, Bob joined the terrorist organization called Hydra because his wife Allison told him it'd be a steady job, he also thought Hydra provided dental, but he was sadly mistaken. When Deadpool infiltrated a Hydra base to save fellow mercenary Agent X, he ran into Bob and tortured him with a security card until he helped Deadpool with his mission. Since then, Bob assisted Deadpool on multiple missions, traveling back in time to War World II, becoming scurvy-ridden pirates, and sending a Hulk-morphed Deadpool into an alternate timeline. There was even a time when Bob was the target of New York crime organizations, so Deadpool actually battled criminals and heroes alike to protect Bob. Bob even got to attend Deadpool's wedding! Oh, you didn't know Deadpool got married? Well, I'm not going to spoil it. Besides, I'm sure all the "Deadpool fans" will be happy to fill you in.
Although he's an agent of Hydra, Bob has little-to-no experience in combat, weaponry or strategy, he's a decent hacker though. Bob is pretty normal when it comes to Deadpool characters, which makes him a good foil for Deadpool. Him being plain, incompetent and easily defeated separates him from a character like Deadpool, who is arguably the greatest assassin in the MCU. Plus, when you look at him, Bob couldn't really operate as anything but a sidekick. I'm not certain Bob could appear in the "Deadpool" movie seeing as how Marvel Studios owns Hydra, but could make him an Agent of Something Else Bad. A wordy transition, I know. Thanks for reading!

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