Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Designer Spider

Who has the largest wardrobe in the Marvel Universe? Well, Iron Man of course! What? Oh, you're right. I already talked about Iron Man's armors. Hmm, well I guess we'll have to cover The Spectacular, Sensational, Ultimate, Avenging, Superior, Fantastic, Amazing, Marvelous Spider-Man! For creativity's sake let's leave his main costume out of this list and stick to what's alternative. This is The Panel Biter's Top 5 Spider-Man Costumes!

#5. Spider-Hero
While Peter Parker didn't wear this costume, another character posed as "The Splendiferous Spider-Hero" in the first couple issues of "Mighty Avengers". I like this costume purely from a comedic standpoint, the colors are goofy and the symbol is so gloriously brand-named, as it should be since this costume was ripped off a costume shop rack. The man within the costume went to become the badass ninja warrior known as Ronin and later revealed himself to be-Stephanie Brown alert-Blade the Vampire Hunter. That itself adds another layer of hilarity.

#4. Future Foundation
Being based in New York, Spider-Man has had a number of run-ins with The Fantastic Four, but after Johnny Storm "died" Spidey agreed to join the FF's new team, The Future Foundation. Reed Richards gave Spidey a new white and black costume to match the team, this suit could also change its appearance to replicate any other previous Spider suit. How convenient. The sleek, colorless design of the suit allows Spidey to represent his place among the FF family while also maintaining his bright choice of threads.

#3. Scarlet Spider (Both)
The first Scarlet Spider costume was worn by Peter's clone and temporary replacement Ben Reilly and oozes DIY design. Seriously, a torn sweatshirt and spandex? Seems like a good starting kit for a Spider-Man cosplayer. The suit has personality and fits even outside it's time era. I know it's cheating, but I'm also including The Scarlet Spider suit worn by Peter's other clone, Kaine. His suit is less flashy and more bold, with focus on vivid red and solid black. It's intimidating, simplistic and edgy and reflects the less responsible personality of Kaine. 

#2. Black Symbiote
Speaking of intimidating and edgy, how can I not mention the infamous black suit? This costume allowed Spider-Man to go through that darker period all heroes must walk and-on a less thematic note-it's freaking awesome! It was originally an alien symbiote crafted into a suit for Spidey by Reed Richards during the original "Secret Wars" event. As a symbiote, the suit can shape-shift and self-repair while granting Spidey further strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and self-produced webbing. The suit also retains the abilities of anyone who's worn it. Spidey may have had to give up the suit after it began corrupting him, but to keep up appearances he designed a less-murdery fabric copy. Fun fact: this suit was originally designed by a fan of the 70's Spider-Man comics.

#1. Superior Spider-Man
The Superior Spider-Man costume was created by Doctor Octopus when he possessed Peter Parker's body and was parading around as Spider-Man. He may have been a total ass, but Doc was also an efficient ass. This suit looks like the natural evolution for Spidey's main look, retaining the design, pattern and red shade, but darkening it up and adding more offensive weapons like claws, collapsable spider-legs (similar to The Iron Spider) and tech linking him to his multiple monitors around New York. The suit plays every role a Spider suit should while also updating the Web-Head's arsenal. Inspiring heroes and bringing fear to criminals, when it comes to Spider-Man costumes this suit is truly superior. Doc Ock, however, was not. Too soon?

Spider-Man hasn't had many disappointing costumes, really. It amazes me that despite how many people in America are afraid of spiders, Spider-Man is still one of the most recognized, liked and markable superheroes there is! You know, when he's not starring in a crap movie. Yeah, I'm looking at you "Amazing Spider-Man 2", the best thing you did was make a good costume! See, it all ties back together. Shout out to The Nerdstitute! Austin, I know you'll love this! Thanks for reading! Thwip!

Facebook: The Panel Biter
Twitter: @ThePanelBiter

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