Monday, June 8, 2015

Gotham's Cruelest

Following Wonder Woman, Superman and The Martian Manhunter, it's time for the sequel to the PBDC's first Batman movie pitch. After Starro nearly destroyed the world and Batman has had trauma effect his life, how will he fare against a rising crime empire and a scientific abomination? Hopefully, not alone. This is it readers, "The Dynamic Duo" has arrived.
During the events of "Wonder Woman II" Batman failed to save the second Robin, Jason Todd, who was caught in an explosion planted by The Joker. Even after locking the criminal up, the guilt of putting a young man in a grave made defending the streets harder on Batman, but even more so on his villains who were given harder beatings as Batman's anger enveloped him. He cut off communications with The Justice League and continuously failed to capture Gotham's newest crime boss, The Black Mask. This up-incoming don of villainy has recruited Professor Erik Langstrom into his syndicate and forced the scientist to create a drug that'd muscle up Black Mask's men. Luckily Batman isn't the only vigilante on the case, a teen prodigy named Tim Drake has taken the Robin mantle after seeing how reckless Batman has become and has barged his way into the crime fighting scene. As much as he'd hate to bury another Robin, Batman will need to work alongside this potential hero in order to bring down both The Black Mask and Langstrom's old test subject, Killer Croc.
While the last film dipped into Batman's skills as a detective, this sequel would show a much more careless and savage Dark Knight. As Bruce Wayne he'd be barraged by the media as when Robin died, Bruce had to craft a false death story for his adopted son Jason Todd. Tim Drake is a teenager who has a loving pair of parents and a high intellect, when he sees Batman's loss of a partner damages his work, Tim decides to be the new Robin and admits to Batman that he's known of The Batman Family's identities for several years. Tim himself would display weak acrobatic and combat abilities, but be clever, quick and a remarkable detective. Kirk Langstrom is a former scientist for Wayne Industries, but he and his wife were fired for their unorthodox testing of DNA. After losing his job and his wife to his research, Kirk had no choice but to work for mob boss Black Mask. By providing Black Mask with strength-enhancing serums, Kirk would be provided money to fuel his experiments. After accepting Tim's help and noting his potential, Batman discovers Kirk had a test subject he kept hidden while he worked for Wayne Industries. A circus strongman named Waylon Jones, Kirk tried sewing the durable skin cells from a crocodile into Waylon-who was paid for his services-but the test drove Waylon mad and caused him to mutate. Since then he had been living in the Gotham sewers, growing more monstrous as time went on. Claiming to be a "Killer Croc" Waylon begins working for Black Mask as his hit-man in return for a cure from Kirk. However, Black Mask's true intentions are to further mutate Killer Croc, control him with a shock collar and use him to take over Gotham's crime world. Talking about design, Batman would keep his previous look (blue and gray, black and yellow-trimmed symbol, no undies) with a bit more armor to suit the situation. Tim would go through a two suits, first a homemade Robin costume resembling the traditional uniform (the 90's Robin suit) and then receiving a custom suit made by Alfred based on Tim's sketch designs (the suit you see above, but without undies). After the Duo defeat the rampaging Killer Croc, Black Mask is taken to Blackgate Penitentiary and Killer Croc goes to Arkham Asylum. As Bruce Wayne, our hero offers Kirk another job over at Wayne Industries provided he share his work for approval and visit Arkham's Doctor Hugo Strange for therapy regarding his actions. Bruce then visits Tim's family and offers Tim a job as his assistant over at Wayne Industries, claiming a promising young man deserves a chance to advance in the world. Bruce and Tim start The Jason Todd Foundation: a charitable organization committed to helping under privileged kids on the streets by giving them food, water and shelter. As vigilantes, Batman trains Robin in stealth, acrobatics and combat and the New Dynamic Duo is formed. After the credits, a scene of Hugo Strange and Kirk Langstrom would show Hugo sharing his obsession with Batman with Kirk (planting the seeds for Kirk's fascination). After Kirk leaves the office, Hugo would reveals a file that connects Batman to Bruce Wayne. He knows.
This film would play a lot with the human condition of not letting go. Batman can't let go of his failure to save Jason Todd and Kirk can't let go of his research. While people like Tim represent Batman moving on successfully from Jason's death, Black Mask represents Kirk's obsession controlling his judgement. Obsession, corruption, and teamwork fuel this story. Plus, this it'd be the first good version of Robin in film ever! Hope you enjoyed this pitch, thanks for reading!
The action rises with the tide, loyal readers! "Aquaman: Throne of Atlantis" comes next!

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