Friday, July 10, 2015

Stranger in the Slums

Evil can come in many different forms: tyrants, monsters, men in nice suits, but true evil is the evil we witness, the evil that is tangible to our world. Knowing an act of gruesome treachery can be just as real in a comic book as it can in the real world. Today's Z-Lister represents the disgust of the human mind, this is Sleez.
First appearing in "Action Comics #592" in 1987, Sleez was a New God who lived in the sewers of Apokolips. He once served Prince Uxas-the being who would later become Darkseid-but was banished from Apokolips after the Prince became tired of Sleez's deprived nature. Sleez travelled to Earth and lived in the sewers of Metropolis' Suicide Slums. Why does Metropolis have an area called Suicide Slums? Same reason Gotham has Crime Alley, its clearly a tourist attraction. Being in Metropolis, Sleez had a few run-ins against Superman, his most notable scheme was using his powers to trick Superman into starring in a pornographic film. See, Sleez has the ability to magnify the desires of others, effectively bringing out the worst in people. By corrupting people's emotions, Sleez can feed off their sadistic desires.
While walking in Metropolis, The New God Big Barda's purse was snatched and she followed the thief into the sewers of the Suicide Slums where Sleez's pet monster Ash-Cralwer killed the thief and Sleez knocked Barda unconscious with her own weapon. He stripped her naked and, possibly, sexually abused her. Superman eventually finds out and was able to snap Barda out of Sleez's control, but they both end up mind controlled by Sleez after Superman was distracted by Barda, who was trying to kill Sleez.
After the film is made-and thankfully not shown in the comic-Sleez sells the tape to make money towards making an army to overthrow Uxas. The man who bought the tape was an agent of Uxas/Darkseid and Darkseid shows the tape to Mister Miracle, Big Bards's husband. Darkseid doesn't do this to torture Miracle, but rather to motivate him into capturing Sleez because Darkseid still disgusts him. Mister Miracle arrives just as another film is about to be shot, but Sleez's pet Ash-Crawler battles Miracle. Superman and Big Barda are released from Sleez's control and the three heroes defeat the pet monster, just as Sleez escaped. Don't worry, he died a few years later.
I might have built this guy up too far, but look at this guy! His disturbing design, his slimy plans, even his name is gross. He's another New God and is definitely undeserving of that title, makes sense he'd come from Apokolips though, given the fact that Apokolips is like Hell in space. I'm not too shocked they didn't use this character more, but at the same time a villain who only seeks to humiliate his enemies with porn is an attribute we never get. Probably for a good reason, I imagine. I'm pretty sure this guy and The Purple Man drink at the same bars. While I'm glad he's forgotten, I do hope the best of The New Gods characters, they deserve an update, even if this slime-ball is included. Seriously, this guy makes me feel violated just by looking at him. Thanks for reading!

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