Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Martian Facts

Let's see how much of Martian Manhunter fan you are! Here are One Dozen Martian Manhunter Facts!
1. In 1960 The Martian Manhunter became a founding member of The Justice League. He was considered one of the seven founders throughout history until 2011 when DC Comics history had reset and established Cyborg as the seventh member of the original Justice League. Despite that change, Martian Manhunter has been a important member of three other Justice League rosters.

2. Martian Manhunter had a sidekick in 1963 named Zook. Zook was an alien from another dimension who became stranded on Earth. Zook had the ability to shapeshift and alter his size.

3. The Martian Manhunter is a glass-cannon of a character. He has super strength, super speed, regeneration, shapeshifting, intangibility, invisibility, telepathy, telekinesis, empathy, x-ray vision, and super breath. The catch is that he has pyrophobia (the fear of fire). Ironically he is also capable of heat vision.

4. Originally it was thought his weakness to fire came from watching his race of Green Martians die in flames, but it was revealed in the 1990's that all Martians have a weakness to fire that was genetically infused into them by The Guardians of The Universe. The Guardians did this so that The Martians would not become completely superior to every other alien race.

5. Along with being as powerful as Superman, Martian Manhunter is as skilled as a detective as Batman. This is due to his job on Mars as a "Manhunter" being the equivalent to a police officer and when he came to Earth he developed the identity of Detective John Jones.

6. Thanks to his shapeshifting powers The Martian Manhunter has used several alias to hide himself. He has been a Caucasian detective, an African-American detective, an elderly Latino man, an entirely different superhero, and a member of a terrorist organization called VULTURE that he destroyed from the inside. He has also split his body and mind into five separate people.

7. Another act on The Martians committed by The Guardians of The Universe was a divide of the species. Originally there was one race of Martians with extreme power and the ability to reproduce asexually. The Guardians split The Martians into two separate races-Green and White-and disabled their ability to reproduce without a partner. Due to the division of the race, The Green Martians were a peaceful hive-minded community and The White Martians were spiteful and savage beings.

8. Some notable White Martians include a group of fake heroes called The Hyperclan, a team of Hybrid Martians who fought The Son of Vulcan, and Miss Martian, the sidekick and adopted niece of Martian Manhunter who hid her White Martian heritage out of shame.

9. The Martian Manhunter once became so corrupted by fear his body was possessed by Fernus The Burning Martian. Fernus was a member of the original Martian race who was sealed away in the minds of all Martians. When Fernus took over Martian Manhunter's body he transformed into a giant flaming Martian and hunted down any White Martians he could find. It was actually Plastic Man who stopped him.

10. The Martian Manhunter's archenemy is Ma'alefa'ak (or Malefic) who is J'onzz's brother. Malefic was the only Green Martian born without psychic powers and was considered an outsider to his kind. He soon became a deranged criminal and even mentally-abused J'onzz's wife. Malefic also released an ancient Martian curse that had wiped out every Green Martian on Mars except for himself and J'onzz.

11. Back during the days of slavery, a group of African-American slaves used a ritual to create The Blood Stone. The Blood Stone contained a demon named Rott who absorbed the souls of all the slaves and turned one slave into a being called Bloodwynd who used his dark magical powers to free slaves from their owners. Though the man died the Blood Stone continued to find hosts and grew in power with all the souls it collected. In 1992 Martian Manhunter found the stone and was forced by Rott to become Bloodwynd. It was not told to the readers or the members of the Justice League that Martian Manhunter was Bloodwynd until "The Death of Superman". Later the heroes helped seal Rott away and free the souls of both The Martian Manhunter and the original Bloodwynd.

12. The Martian Manhunter is addicted to Chocos-a substitute for Oreo Cookies. And I do mean "addicted" literally. To him they are the equivalent to addictive drugs. If Martian Manhunter is cut off from his supply of Chocos he will go into a berserk rage. He almost killed Booster Gold and Blue Beetle to get his Chocos back.
Thanks for reading!
Do you want to see The Martian Manhunter in a film? Comment below!

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