Panel Biter Podcasts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Task Force X-Tras

So The Suicide Squad had a film. Yeah. Words to be said elsewhere. Like it or not it's likely Warner Bros will make a sequel to their "newest hit" given all the bait they left out. So if The Suicide Squad is going to have another swing at the cinema, who could we see added to the ever-decreasing roster? Here is The Panel Biter's Top 5 Most Wanted Characters For The Suicide Squad Sequel!

5. The Cheetah
The Cheetah is a classic Wonder Woman villain and is best known for her ferocity, her drive, and her-ahem-appearance. Killer Croc has the whole animal thing, but the behavior of a feline character can still be different. She's on the bottom of the list simply because her power-set is pretty simple and there's a better cat-themed character to consider, but the reason I thought of Cheetah is because she's one of Wonder Woman's best known villains and yet the character seems too underwhelming for what Wonder Woman's movies are looking to be. Demigod vs lady with cheetah powers? Having her in a Suicide Squad movie as a villain arrested by Wonder Woman would make her similar to Captain Boomerang in that regard.

4. Multiplex
Multiplex is the D-List villain of the D-List hero Firestorm, a D-List hero who's had another D-List archenemy appear in the Suicide Squad film, Slipknot. Multiplex is basically a scapegoat. His power is cloning himself and he doesn't seem to have a limit. He and his clones share a hive mind and their battle tactic is usually ganging up on enemies. Amanda Waller would absolutely want a one-man-army under her thumb, especially if The Suicide Squad needed back-up, distractions, or human shields during a shootout. An action scene with Multiplex could have a camera shot move from clone to clone as they die in combat. And if Multiplex is seemingly one of the Squadlings to die (as tradition) you could always trick the audience by showing the real/original Multiplex trapped in a prison cell sending clones out to work for Waller. Multiplex lives safely while Waller uses him to replace her military staff and have available soldiers for whatever mission. What a twist!

3. The Parasite
The Parasite is one of Superman's most powerful foes! What makes this man-shaped raisin so scary? The Parasite can siphon the strength of whoever he touches. Classic versions of the character say he gets stronger and more durable by absorbing the vitality of others. Newer versions say he works like X-Men's Rogue, where he can mimic the powers of others by draining them. You can see why he's such a hard foe for Superman. Since "Man of Snore" and "Batman v. Who?: Dawn of Snyder" have an eighteen year time gap between them you could establish The Parasite as one of the villains Superman fought when he was alive. Waller could use a villain strong enough to fight someone like Superman, maybe as a last resort in a mission. The Parasite could copy the powers of teammates or even turn against the team. Four humans versus this one monster seems fair. I mean, really, when is anyone going to use this powerful villain?

2. Count Vertigo
Count Vertigo is a Green Arrow villain, he hails from the fictional country of Vlatava and is a member of it's royal family. Hence the "Count". The "Vertigo" comes from his powers. Count has an ear defection and wears special hearing aids, he tinkered with the hearing aids and turned them into weapons. With them he creates waves of sound that give people vertigo, causing to become sick, lose their balance, and sometimes die from the internal pain. Add to his unique ability him being bipolar and having Meniere's Disease and belonging to a royal family that's nearly wiped out and you have an interesting foil to the rest of the Squad. Not only is he powerful and useful, but that typical "rich, foreign elite" sticks out like a sore thumb in the Suicide Squad and really adds an entertaining character, one that would play off the "commoners" on the team.

1. Bronze Tiger
Finally we have The Bronze Tiger. I hate to pull Batman into this, but getting this guy is worth the pull. You see in the comics Bronze Tiger is one of the few men to defeat Batman in combat. He didn't kill him, he didn't break his back, he beat him in a fight. When Tiger was a kid he witnessed his parent's death and killed the man responsible with a kitchen knife, he then traveled the world hoping to tame his anger. He joined a monastery, but was soon recruited into The League of Assassins. So imagine if Batman went down a different road. Tiger has been a reoccurring member of the Squad and is mostly shown to be an anti-hero. Tiger isn't afraid to argue, he's deadly in a fight, and his backstory connects him to one of the DCU's most infamous assassin groups. And having a guy who could beat Batman with just martial arts moves seems like something Amanda Waller would want. And if she can get a witch, she sure as hell can get one of the deadliest fighters on Earth.
Thanks for reading!
Who do you want to see on The Suicide Squad cast? Comment below!

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