Panel Biter Podcasts

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Marvel Medieval #2

Marvel Medieval is a tabletop RPG of my own design. Myself and The Comic Buffet Crew are playing this game on a new podcast series over on The Panel Biter Podbean! So if you want to follow along or learn some lore, this is the post for you!

Character Focus: The Red Priest
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Gear: Light Armor, Walking Stick, The Good Book, Satchel.
Skill Chart:
 Forceful +0, Careful +2, Flash -1, Quick +0, Clever +1, Sneak +1
Character Specials:
Radar Sense: This user is granted complete knowledge of the interior of a nearby room. This can only be used while inside or beside a room and can detect people, objects and obstructions.
Devil Inside: The user casts an illusion that makes them appear demonic. This special does not effect any stats or behavior, it is simply a tool to intimidate opponents.
Matthew was the blind son of a brave knight known as Bat-Lin. Bat-Lin took Matthew on all his adventures and described to him the opponents he'd battle and the places they'd go. While accompanying Bat-Lin and a group of knights, Matthew was almost killed a monster, but Bat-Lin sacrificed himself. While the other knights fought the beast, Matthew ran off and became lost in the mountains. He was found by a hermit named Stick who was also blind. Stick taught Matthew how to fight, how to support himself, and how to turn his weakness into a tool. Using the tragedy of his father's death and he lessons imbued onto him, Matthew became a wandering warrior. He wears the mask of his inner anger and teaches other how to control their anger. Matthew does not seek vengeance, he seeks to teach others his ways as The Red Priest.

 Race: Mutants
It is believed the first colony of Mutants were cursed by The Gods for blasphemous deeds. Mutants are hated, feared, and avoided by Humans because of rumors and stories fabricated about them. All Mutants are essentially human, but with deformities. Extra limbs, skin alteration, disproportionate body parts, and so forth. Because they are so similar to Humans, it is law in many Kingdoms that Mutants wear a red sash around their upper arm to clarify they are not human. Some people believe this makes it easier to distinct the two races, others use it as a means of segregation. Mutants have The Race Ability of "Healing Factor". This ability is always in effect, when a Mutant receives minimal damage they can recover instantly. If the damage is continuous they will not have time to recover, but if you are a Mutant who's been hit by a few arrows you can duck in cover, remove the arrows, and quickly recover from the damage. The Mutant Race may be shunned, but they persevere. In need of a safe home, Mutants can find their way to Genosha-The Kingdom of King Erik-or The House of Westchester-home of Sir Xavier and The Exiled Knights.

Class: Knights
Knights are a class that focus on strength and defense. As a Knight one is expected to defend his people as often as he'd defend himself. Knights are well respected in Franrich and most Knights belong to a Kingdom. Knights start off as apprentices to veteran knights before earning their independence, but Knights who roam the land doing good deeds are just as admirable as the Knights who defend kingdoms. As a Knight, players will be able to choose from a few weapons to use in combat: The Long Sword (two handed), The Big Shield (one handed), the Short Sword & Arm Shield (one handed), and The Short Sword & Medium Shield (two handed). A Knight's Class Ability is called Valorous Flame. A Knight can only use this ability when he is unable to fight, either to a trap or weakness. When used, The Knight selects one party member to receive a boost in strength, speed or health. The stat boosted is up to the Knight and the selected ally. Knights are powerful on their own, but are better capable on a team. Dependable, loyal, and skillful in combat, to be a Knight is to be an example of heroism.

How To Play: Skill Chart
An "Action" is any situation where the player wants/needs to attempt something that requires skill.
Careful (Handling, aiming, balancing).
Clever (Planning, accessing knowledge, operating machinery).
Flashy (Performing stunts, trick-shots, acting).
Forceful (Moving heavy objects, defending, gripping).
Quick (Running, agility, reflexes).
Sneaky (Spying, stealing, stealth).
When rolling a D6 for an Action, the result of the roll is effected by Skill Modifiers. Players can select which stats get which modifiers, but they must include the six:
Great (+2) to one Skill.
Good (+1) to two Skills.
Average (+0) to two Skills.
Bad (-1) to one Skill.
After rolling a D6, the player will need to add the modifier of whichever skill required. For example: Connor wants to move a boulder out of his way so he can enter a cave. He rolls three D6's and gets a Success, but he has to factor in his Forceful Modifier. If he had an Average he'd be okay, if he had a Good or a Great the result would be boosted up one or two levels, but, alas, he has Bad Forceful. The resulting roll in knocked down one level to Success With Casualty and he moves the boulder, but crushes his foot in the process. Use this Skills Chart and last week's Roll Results for accurate outcomes!
 Enough said!

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