Panel Biter Podcasts

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What If Superman...

The story of Superman has become a memorable story of American fiction. Planet explodes, last child lands on Earth, child is raised by farmers and grows up to be America's greatest superhero. Pretty basic, everyone knows it. But what if things took a slightly different turn? What If Superman Landed Somewhere Else?

What If He Landed in Atlantis?
DC Comic's Atlantis is home to characters like Ocean Master, Mera, Tempest, and, of course, Aquaman! However, we can assume Superman and Aquaman are around the same age so if baby Kal-El was shot from Krypton and landed in Atlantis, Arthur Curry would not be there. Arthur didn't see Atlantis until he was a young adult. Going through Atlantean history we learn that Queen Atlanna had ruled Atlantis when Arthur was a baby. She had married a member of The Atlantean Guard and gave birth to Prince Orm. Atlantean history is pretty funny actually, they have ties to aliens, the dimension of Gemworld, and the creation of Homo Magi. Anyway, if Kal-El landed in Atlantis he'd most likely be adopted by Atlanna. She'd be the first informed of the babies' arrival and-not having it in her to abandon another child-she'd take Kal-El under her wing. Or fin. Oh, and before you ask: Yes, Superman can breath underwater. It's never been outright said, but since he can survive in the vacuum of space he clearly doesn't need oxygen. He'd probably discover his sunlight based powers when swimming closer to the surface. After Atlanna would die of unknown causes Orm would take the throne and probably misuse his adopted brother's power. This would be more possible if Arthur Curry showed up and tried to get Atlantis to join humanity. Not to knock Aquaman, but Superman could beat him. But would he? Kal-El (or whatever Atlanna would name him) would be raised with regard for his fellow Atlantean. I think Kal-El and Arthur would overthrow Orm and put Arthur in charge so that Kal-El could go to the surface and learn of his alien heritage. And be Aquaman, I guess.

What If He Landed in Gorilla City?
Okay, this one is weird. This meteor crashed in a jungle in Africa and it's radioactive waves skyrocketed the mental capacity of the local gorillas. They became super intelligent and capable of telepathy. Their elected king Solovar led the gorillas into building a city in the jungle. Dubbing it Gorilla City, they would use advanced technology to hide the city from humans. There isn't much of a time frame we can go on. We know this city was established before Solovar would contact The Flash to help defeat Gorilla Grodd, but we can also guess the lifespans of these gorilla have increased via technology. So, just to fit things together, let's say Kal-El's ship fell to Earth alongside the special meteor. When they crashed, the meteor gave the gorillas hyper intelligence and did the same for baby Kal-El. The gorillas would quickly learn of Kal-El's alien origins and maybe Kal-El's advanced mind could show them how to construct a city like the ones on Krypton. Following the advanced alien race, Gorilla City would become New Krypton, ruled by Kal-El. Kal-El would grow out his hair to resemble his gorilla brothers and easily fight enemies like Gorilla Grodd, keeping his city secure. With all the power going to his head, Kal-El might try to expand his city across the Earth. Issuing in a new world order where "Kal-El The Gorilla King" would change the Earth the same way he changed this gorilla population. Justice League vs Gorilla King anyone?

What If He Landed on Mars?
Finally, what if he didn't land on Earth at all? What he landed on Mars!? To set this up it's important to know time works differently on Mars. One year on Mars is roughly two years on Earth. Which means if Clark became Superman at age thirty-and all the main Justice League members are about the same age-The Martian Manhunter would be thirty in Earth years, but sixty in Martian years. This works pretty well as The Martian Manhunter is often the wisest of the League and has even used the identity of an older man as his alter ego for a while. So if Kal-El landed on Mars, J'ohn J'onzz would be thirty and most likely a child himself. There isn't much history about J'ohn's upbringing, but judging by his character he'd most likely try to be kind to Kal-El. Since Martians have telepathy they could figure out Kal-El's origins easily and try to raise him as one their own. However, Clark is white-skinned and The White Martians are a savage species of Martians, causing some issues. Another issue would be a character named Ma'alefa.ak. Ma'alefa'ak was the only Martian without telepathy and unleashed a curse that caused all other Green Martians to burn to death. J'ohn was teleported off Earth at that moment and was unable to save his people. But Kal-El would not be able to stop the plague either. It is partially alien magic which Kal-El has no effect on and it is telepathic which is an ability he lacks. Failing to protect his adopted people, Kal-El's rage would lead him to kill Ma'alefa'ak and The White Martians, but to never find piece. When J'ohn-as The Martian Manhunter-would return to Mars after his time on Earth to find Kal-El living in solitude, J'ohn would guide Kal-El to Earth and help him come to peace. Continuing to avenge and honor their fallen family, J'ohn and Ka-El would protect Earth as The Martian Men.
Thanks for reading!
Where would you like Superman to land? Comment below!

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