Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Beetle Facts

Let's see how much of a Blue Beetle Fan you are! Here are One Dozen Blue Beetle Facts!
1. There have been three incarnations of The Blue Beetle: Dan Garret in 1939, Ted Kord in 1966, and Jaime Reyes in 2006.

2. The first Blue Beetle-Dan Garret-had been owned by Fox Feature Syndicate, and then Holyoke Publishing. He spent the next chunk of his history at Charlton Comics before being under the ownership of DC Comics.

3. When he was first created, Dan Garret was very similar in design and function to The Green Hornet. When Dan was redesigned in 1964 his appearance was more similar to The Phantom. Both Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes were influenced by Spider-Man. Ted Kord was drawn by Steve Ditko, who created Spider-Man with Stan Lee over at Marvel. Jaime's similarities to Spider-Man were more inline with the fact that-like Spider-Man-Jaime was a teenaged superhero who was not a sidekick.

4. Dan Garret got his powers from an ancient Scarab he found in Egypt. When the Scarab got into the hands of Ted Kord he could not figure out how to make it work and opted to base his tools and weapons around the Scarab's theme. When Jaime got the Scarab it "reactivated" and attached to his body, forming his suit. The Scarab was initially thought to be magical before Jaime learned it was alien technology. As of recently, it has been confirmed to still be magic in origin.

5. When Alan Moore and Steve Gibbons were preparing their legendary graphic novel "Watchmen" they were planning on using characters DC Comics had acquired from Charlton Comics like Captain Atom, The Question, and The Blue Beetle. However, DC Comics forbade them from using the characters as the company at large was going to integrate them into their universe. So Alan and Steve created anagrams for Charlton Comics characters, one being Nite-Owl. Nite-Owl was mostly based on The Blue Beetle with slight influence from Superman and Batman as well.

6. During his time as Blue Beetle, Ted Kord created a flying vehicle to provide transport for himself and his Justice League allies. He named this vehicle "The Bug". Keeping in theme with his counterpart, Nite-Owl also had a flying machine themed around an owl. It was named Archimedes after Merlin's pet owl in the novel "The Once and Future King".

7. During his time on The Justice League, Ted Kord developed a friendship with the time-traveling superhero Booster Gold. It was also during this time Ted developed his signature laugh "BWA-HA-HA-HA".

8. During the event "Infinite Crisis" in 2005, Ted Kord had been spying on an evil organization called Checkmate. This mission ended in Ted Kord being shot in the head by Maxwell Lord, the former media agent of The Justice League. In a later Booster Gold arc, Booster goes back in time and prevents Ted Kord's death. However, in order to stop a villain who orchestrated the events of Ted's survival-which would lead to that villain taking over the planet-Ted had to sacrifice his life by going back in time once more and allowing Maxwell Lord to kill him.

9. Ted Kord and Barbara Gordon had developed an online friendship during Babs' time as Oracle. After Ted's death it was revealed that the two of them had a romantic feelings for one another, but both were too nervous or unsure to explore them.

10. Jaime Reyes is one of the only teenaged superheroes in comic book history to actually tell his family and close friends about his superpowers.

11. Due to The Scarab being a tool of the alien colony called The Reach, Jaime will lose control of himself to the Scarab once and a while. Especially in the company of a Green Lantern, one of The Reach's sworn enemies. The Reach themselves usually take over planets from the inside, planting an agent into the planet's populous, coming to the planet in peace and offering aid, and finally asserting dominance as most of the planet's resources are provided by The Reach themselves.

12. During a fight with Bleez The Red Lantern, Jaime's Scarab registered that Jaime felt "a metabolic arousal" when Bleez had pinned him to the ground by sitting on him. When Jaime told the suit he was not aroused, Bleez heard this and flew back in surprise. By the stance Jaime takes and his dialog, it is implied the Scarab grew a "prosthetic" or "unzipped" to coincide with Jaime's arousal. To put it in French, Jaime got an erection and the Scarab thought he was going to mate with Bleez.
Thanks for reading!
Which Blue Beetle is your favorite? Comment below!

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