Panel Biter Podcasts

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

No Widow, No

Throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe we have met intriguing and lovable characters. Men and woman and things not definable by gender that have gripped out attention. Whether they wear metal suits, shrink to unseen sizes, or fling magic hammers. The Marvel Cinematic Universe spans the realms of Gods, magicians, scientists, and space adventurers. So why on Earth would anyone want to see a movie about Black Widow?
So around the time "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and "Avengers: Age of Ultron" came out there were fans who were begging for a Black Widow film. A lot of people made it about gender and a lesser percent actually wanted it because they think the character deserves a film. And I won't disagree to the fact that Black Widow has been one of the most entertaining characters in the MCU. Scarlett Johansson is an amazing actress, the backstory of Natasha Romanov has been splayed out to us over a number of films without the character revealing too much at once. Figuratively. Stacking up what we know about her from "Iron Man 2", "Avengers", "Captain America: Winter Soldier", and "Avengers: Age of Ultron" her origin seems to be that she was raised by a branch of the KGB to be a cold-hearted assassin. She was trained physically and psychologically, and biologically experimented on to be an elite agent. We know that it was Nick Fury who found her and turned her over to the side of good on SHIELD, but everything before that is only said and not seen. Black Widow is mysterious and simple at the same time. Born to be an assassin, taught to be good, and now redemption. Easy to understand, but for some it's not enough. Of course, there's her long-standing history in the comics. Oh, you don't like to read? Right.
Is Black Widow interesting as a character? Sure, but I enjoy her as a supporting character more because she is always a reflective personality for main characters to bounce off of. Cap, Tony, Bruce Banner, Hawkeye, Black Panther, they all become more fascinating to watch when they're challenged by a personality like Black Widow's. And yeah, she looks good in a fight. I know that's another reason people want to see her get her own movie, but come on guys. Fighting doesn't make an entire movie. "Captain America: Civil War" had the word "war" in the title and some of that film's best moments weren't even fight scenes. Sure Black Widow-thanks to the choreographers and stunt-doubles-is fun to watch in a fight, but by having Black Widow be a supporting character you get to watch her fight without the film having to necessarily anchor on her. Plus, these are Marvel Movies. Black Widow, Hawkeye, Nick Fury and SHIELD agents in general may be fun to watch and likable in their own ways, but when The Hulk and Thor are some of the first characters to have films in the MCU do you really want to turn back and spend money on a character who isn't spectacular to watch? Black Widow is fun to watch, but not for an hour and a half. Not with a huge budget and especially not when there are more Marvel characters to explore. Remember when Marvel got shared custody of the Spider-Man film rights? Remember what they did? They upright cancelled the "Inhumans" film they had planned so they could shuffle other films around and make room for a Spider-Man movie. That means if Marvel one day decided to plan a Black Widow film we could see the rest of the film slate suffer for it. Not to mention the downscale in subject matter. Black Panther rules an entire African country, Thor is from Asgard, Doctor Strange travels across realities. And Black Widow is a secret agent. Get what I mean? In comparison she's nothing special. She works alongside Cap and Tony because those characters are "super" enough to be unique, but grounded enough to hang out with spies.
If any Marvel hero is going to be the first woman to lead a film it's going to be Captain Marvel. I don't want to see the sequels to Ant-Man and Doctor Strange and Black Panther get pushed back. I don't want to see The Sentry, Hercules, or-hopefully one day-The X-Men lose their chance at a Marvel film to make room for someone else. Black Widow is a cool character, but she is not cool enough, different enough, or important enough to stop Marvel's entire production cycle. She doesn't deserve a movie or a big budget or a stand above other characters. Just like War Machine, The Falcon, The Vision and many others, she is an amazing supporting character who has gotten better development as a supporting character in these films then she'd ever get in a film on her own.
That being said, Scarlet Witch should have a movie.
Thanks for reading!
Should Black Widow get a film? Comment below!

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