Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Vis Facts

Are you a fan of The Vision? Well, check out these One Dozen Vision Facts!
1. While The Vision people are familiar with was created in 1968, the first character known as "The Vision" was created in 1940. This Vision was an alien named Aarkus who was a law enforcer. After visiting Earth he felt it necessary to stay and help Earth's heroes during World War II.

2. The Vision's body was built from the remains of the original Human Torch (who was an android) and his brainwaves were based off of the Avenger known as Wonder Man. It is because he shares brainwaves with Wonder Man, Vision had grown to love The Scarlet Witch just as Wonder Man did.

3. The Vision and Scarlet Witch married for a time and had children. Due to The Vision being inorganic, he could not produce children with Wanda. Wanda used her magic powers to create children, and it was later revealed the essence of these children were drawn from the demon Mephisto. After Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible Woman's son Franklin used his reality manipulation powers to temporarily destroy Mephisto, the children of Wanda and Vision were destroyed and Wanda's mind was wiped in order to keep her from going insane.

4. The Vision was created by Ultron, who in turn was created by Hank Pym. Ultron also created a wife for himself named Jocasta. Jocasta's brainwaves were based off Janet Van Dyne/The Wasp who was a love interest of Hank Pym. Jocasta attempted to pursue a relationship with The Vision, but even he felt it would be awkward.

5. Psychologically, The Vision is human. Physically, The Vision is synthetic. Due to his physiology The Vision-and others like him-have been dubbed a "Synthezoid". Combining "synthetic" with "android". While not many Synthezoids exist, The Vision did try to build a family of them including a wife, a daughter, a son, and a dog. Currently, only his daughter Viv Vision remains.

6. The gem in The Vision's head is called a Solar Jewel, it is assumed an invention of either Hank Pym or Ultron. Or perhaps a leftover from The Human Torch's body. The jewel allows him to project heat lasers from his head and it also provides his primary power source. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Solar Jewel is replaced with The Mind Gem, one of The Infinity Gems that gave Loki the ability to hypnotize people, gave Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver their powers, and gave The Vision life.

7. Despite their believed deaths, the twin sons of Vision and Wanda were reincarnated after "House of M" as the Young Avengers known as Wiccan and Speed. Another version of The Vision is also a member of The Young Avengers.

8. The time-traveling hero known as Iron Man uploaded a backup Vision system into one of his armors, creating a new version of The Vision. At that time the first Vision had been destroyed. After Iron Lad left the team because he learned he would become a villain in the future, new Vision remained on the team and dated Cassy Lang/Stature. Stature was the daughter of Ant-Man/Scott Lang and had previously dated Iron Lad. When Iron Lad briefly returned, he took Cassy back despite new Vision's feelings for her. In fact, in a loss of control, Iron Lad destroys new Vision.

9. Since his creation The Vision could alter his density at whim. He could become light enough to fly and even lighter to phase through solid objects. He could become dense enough withstand strikes from beings as powerful as Thor and The Hulk. In 2011, The Vision's "evolve" protocol activated which caused his new body to be composed of millions of nanobots.

10. Like Iron Man, Hawkeye, and many other Avengers, The Vision was taught hand-to-hand combat by Captain America just in case his powers become disabled.

11. In the alternate future of "Age of Ultron", the remaining heroes are attempting to defeat Ultron after the villain took over the Earth. When the heroes break into Ultron's citadel they find The Vision. Ultron is revealed to be even further in the future using The Vision as a future-to-past avatar.

12. After being captured by the villain Immortus, The Vision was dismantled. His parts were found and reconstructed by Hank Pym, but Wonder Man wouldn't allow his brainwaves again. As a result, The Vision was colorless and lacked a personality. Both features of the character slowly regenerated, but the colorless, emotionless Vision can be seen/played in the 1991 arcade game called "Captain America & The Avengers".
Thanks for reading.

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