Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Itsy Bitsy Spider-Bet

What if Spider-Man wrote the alphabet?
A is for Aunt May, my favorite old lady
B is for Black Cat, who is as clever as she is shady
C is for Chameleon, a master of disguise
D is for The Daily Bugle where I get paid sometimes.

E is for Electro, that sparky halfwit
F is for Wilson Fisk and that flatbed he arrived in
G is for Gwen Stacy who is miss everyday
And H is for Hobgoblin who will have Hell to pay.

I is for Identity, which I only revealed one time
J is for J. Jonah Jameson, a close friend of mine
K is for Kletus, or Carnage as he claims
L is for The Lizard, who's mutation is to blame.

M is for MJ, the love of my life
N is for Norman Osborn, who's as gentle as a knife
O is for Doc Ock and those crazy arms of his
And P is for Peter Parker. One of the cool kids.

Q is for Quintin Beck who calls himself Mysterio
R was going to be for Reilly, but now it's for Rhino
S is for Sinister, six against one is no fair
T is for Thompson, I'm on Flash's underwear.

U is Uncle Ben, who put wisdom in my head
V is for Venom, who won't stop until I'm dead
W is for Warren, a crackpot in green fur
And X is for X-Men, who I used to teach for.

Y is for New York, born and raised
Z is for Zombie, boy how I don't miss those days.
Things always change, but one thing stays the same for me
With great power, there must come great responsibility.
Thanks for reading!

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