Panel Biter Podcasts

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Lanterns Get RANKED

Every Green Lantern. Human at least. And main universe. Official. Like, no Alan Scott or Jade or anything, strictly our main Green Lanterns. Let's rank!

6. Simon Baz
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Or as I call him "The Attempt". Baz is DC Comic's newest Muslim superhero who took on the GL mantle in 2012, around the time the New 52 was starting to arrange itself. Baz sits on the bottom of the list because it was clear he was created to fit an agenda and not so much to be a new take on the format. Yes, his first story was one where he was a suspected terrorist because of his race and that story's relevance is apparent, but following that Baz didn't have much going on. He was supposed to be part of Argus's Justice League of America, but didn't actually appear until the tail-end of the book's run. He only became interesting when paired with Jessica Cruz as part of DC Rebirth. As of now he has gotten more character exploration and is part of the Justice League so there is hope the character can grow more.

5. John Stewart
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I know everyone loves this guy because of that cartoon fifteen years ago, but even then I wasn't super amazed by John Stewart. When he was first created he was made into an opposer to authority. He didn't listen to Hal Jordan or the Guardians of the Universe, but as his origin was reworked he was made a former US Marine and fell more in line with the Green Lantern Corps. John is always the #2 for Jordan, often taking the lime light (pun) when he can't, but if you ask me the Marine background is the only thing that makes him interesting and even that was a change made so he'd fit better on a cartoon. And I won't be one of those people who claims his skin color makes him different, not anymore it doesn't. In terms of drill sergeants I think Kilowag does that job better AND he has a tragic backstory. Regardless I won't ignore John's contributions to the DCU.

4. Kyle Rayner
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Kyle Rayner was DC Comic's attempt at making Green Lantern sellable. In the 1990's Hal Jordan became a villain, killed the GLC, and Kyle-a teenaged graphic designer-became Green Lantern, in a way this was a case of the old fuddy-duddy being replaced by the young, artistic, future of America. Of course, not everyone saw him that way. My issue with Kyle was that he felt unnecessary, you already had two other Green Lanterns at that time. I did like the idea that every construct Kyle made had to be different so that way his creativity would be on display. And later choices like him being the White Lantern and having all the Lantern Rings was cool too. What wasn't was the fact that he hooked up with Carol Ferris. Not cool, bro. Bro Code.

3. Guy Gardner
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How did this a-hole get so high on the list? Well, chalk that up to originality. See, the one thing Kyle and Baz and John had going for them was that they were all pretty good people. The kind of people you'd invite over for a party. Guy is not one of those people. Guy is self-absorbed, obnoxious, chauvinistic, and an all-around pain in the ass. But he is still a superhero. I have always enjoyed character diversity, and I stress the word "character". You give me a Black superhero or a female superhero and I'll take it and be done, but you give a character who acts like no other character and I am interested. I like Booster Gold because he's a showboat, I like Ant-Man because he's a down-on-his-luck dad, and I like Guy Gardner because he knows how strong he is and isn't afraid to boast about it. A Lantern's true strength is overcoming fear, and a guy this stubborn plows through fear. He's had a crappy life and the GLC is his family, his reason for living, so when push comes to shove Guy is a Lantern you want on your team. Yeah, he's an asshole who doesn't deserve the power he has, but he doesn't care. He's a hero and he loves it.

2. Jessica Cruz
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The newest Green Lantern and one the best, in my opinion. When we first saw Jess she was paralyzed with fear after her friends were murdered in front of her. She hid in a kitchen closet and was visited by a power ring from another world. This evil ring turned her into Power Ring, a hero who's power came from her own fear. When she overcame that fear and the control of the ring she chose to sacrifice herself to save The Flash. This resulted in the ring being destroyed and Jessica being chosen by the Green Lantern Corps. Now she doesn't use fear, she overcomes it. That origin alone makes Jess a very different Lantern, it allows the message of the Green Lantern to have physical representation. Her partnership with Baz also gives him a chance to expand as a character as she has. Between her character and her origin I believe nobody is more deserving of the Green Lantern mantle than her.

1. Hal Jordan
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But you can't beat the original. Hal Jordan is the greatest Green Lantern of all time. Not because he was the first, but because he carries the message best. Overcoming fear is what Hal did for a living, it's what he does every day, and he's been through the ringer (pun) to prove it. He's utilized multiple rings, he's been possessed by Parallax, and he's been The Spectre, so hie resume is impressive. His relationships with Superman, Batman, The Flash, and Green Arrow also earn him some credibility. His development as a character was a long-time coming and his legacy is never ignored. More than anything else Hal proves to the DCU that mankind can expand beyond utility belts and bolts of lightning. That the will of man is stronger than any anger, any temptation, and any fear. I mean they guy is important he wasn't in "Justice League" so imagine how big of a role he'll play in the next one!
Thanks for reading!

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