Friday, November 28, 2014

He Went To Space Jared

Emotions are strong, but emotion-powered weapons are even stronger. Today I'll be educating you readers with DC's Emotional Spectrum, the power source behind various interstellar armies and fixtures behind the trait shared by all living beings, emotion itself.

To put it simply, the color-coded power sources that make up the Emotional Spectrum are emotions in tangible form. As seen above, the Spectrum Colors are listed as such: Red is color of Rage, Orange is Greed, Yellow represents Fear, Green is Willpower, Blue is Hope, Indigo represents Compassion and Pink is the color of Love. Why hasn't DC comics released a mood ring set to this color spectrum, seriously? But wait, there are two more. Black is the color of Death and White is the color of Life. These two are odd in that both were only temporarily used by their respective corps. Oh, I forgot to mention each color of the Emotional Spectrum has a group of various aliens representing them and using their individual emotions to fuel Power Rings and Lantern Batteries. The Lantern Batteries are emotional chargers for the Power Rings, these rings transform emotion and thought into solid light. This solid light can be shaped into weapons, creatures and anything it's user can imagine. Additionally, there are a group of creatures called the Emotional Entities, living beings who are the pure embodiment of their own respective colors. For example, The Butcher is a creature who was born after the first known murder in the universe, therefor it represents Rage. Adara was born after the first act of prayer, making it the entity of Hope, the list goes on. Although the power of the Emotional Spectrum spreads throughout the universe, it's strength can be exhausted. When this happens, the universe begins to collapse as a new Emotional Spectrum is born. From where? The Source Wall, of course. The Source Wall? Well, to put it simply: The Source Wall is the physical end of the DC Universe. At least that's simple, right?
In its earliest origin, the Green Lantern's ring was powered by magic, but as time went on and writers came and went, the ring, the lantern and the mythos itself expanded. Using emotion as a bonding point between people of various planets is an ingenious way of making these various creatures fit together. It is also through these power sources that readers can ask: what emotion motivates me? Me being you, not me being me. But, if you must know, I'd be a Pink Lantern. I'm a lover and a fighter. On that awkward note, thanks for reading!

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