Saturday, November 29, 2014

Think Like an Outsider

In 1983, Batman formed a ragtag team of heroes to travel to the country of Markovia. He enlisted these "meta-humans" in order to rescue his employee Lucius Fox from Markovia's traitorous baron. At this time the Justice League of America refused to get involved with other countries, leaving Batman no choice than to gather his own team. After this successful first mission, The Outsiders were assembled. Today I'll be pitching my idea for a new Outsiders comic book series.
(FWY, this is the first time I've tried "creating" an image for a post. Hooray for technology!)

The last appearance of the Outsiders was in the one-shot comic "Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes", where half of the Outsiders die in an explosion. My roster of characters for this hypothetically new Outsiders team would balance both old and new Outsiders. Going from top left to lower right: the second Robin, Jason Todd/Red Hood. Stuntman gone demon hunter, Daniel Cassidy/Blue Devil. Green Arrow's first apprentice Roy Harper/Arsenal. Elemental morphing meta-human Emily Sung/Element Woman. First member of the original Outsiders, Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning. Sword-wielding widow and Japan native, Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana. These six heroes would be assembled by an anonymous figure referring to himself as "God's Eye". They would be hesitant to join his group, but this mysterious coordinator would use each of the heroes secrets to blackmail them into joining his cause. God's Eye would send this team on international missions to overthrow empires, combat terrorist organizations and get information crucial to their countries survival. All this by the command of God's Eye, who Red Hood would assume to Batman. Unknown to the Outsiders, their leader is actually the super villain Prometheus, who's origin paints him as a dark reflection of Batman. Throughout the book, members of the team would find difficult working alongside each other, but ultimately they'd pull together for any mission, so long as their secrets are safe. Meanwhile, Prometheus would slowly tie these missions together in an attempt to destroy The Justice League.
The team's name says a lot about the them. These characters travel outside the country, their backstories make them permanent outcasts, and their differences are the only things that keep them together. Combining these broken personalities with an espionage setting oozes fresh story potential. Add in some mystery, political thrill and intense action and I think this new Outsiders series could be a hit for DC comics. Thank you for reading, hope you liked my pitch!

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