Saturday, April 18, 2015

Tools Of The Trade

You think Batman and Iron Man have the coolest toys? Today we're checking out the crowning achievements in comic book weaponry. Here it is, The Panel Biter's Top 5 Comic Book Weapons!

5. Captain America's Shield

When Captain America travelled to the nation of Wakanda in 1941, he met King T'Chaka and traded his original badge-shaped shield for a sample of Vibranium; a rare metal that fell from space eons ago and has been mined exclusively out of Wakanda. Constructed from the vibranium was a disc-shaped shield that we'd come to recognize today. Because it's made of vibranium, this shield can absorb virtually any kind of kinetic force. Gunfire, explosives, various energies, it's even held up against Thor's hammer Mjornir and hits from The Hulk. Only the forces of gods, magicians and cosmic entities have been able to destroy the shield. If the shield's abilities to redirect energy, slice through most materials, and bounce off any surface aren't enough, the design of the shield is both beautifully simple and patriotically symbolic.

4. The Lawgiver

Ever Judge of 2000 AD is assigned a special "smart gun" to use against criminals, this gun is called The Lawgiver. The Lawgiver has voice-activiated ammunition settings: Standard rounds, Heat Seeking, Ricochet, Incendiary, Armor Piercing, High-Explosive, Stunners, and "Exorcist Bullets" for those pesky ghosts. Can such a powerful weapon be trusted in anyone's hands? Yes or no, it doesn't really matter because each individual Lawgiver is assigned to their Judge's palm print. If anyone other than that Judge tries to fire their Lawgiver, the gun will explode and take the perpetrator's arm with it.

3. The Shield of Night & The Sword of Light

Dave Whitman-The hero known as The Black Knight-once held a sword of immense magical energy called The Ebony Blade. But that blade was cursed, so like any rational person Whitman ditched The Ebony Blade and was given a magic amulet by The Lady of The Lake. When speaking the word "Avalon" Whitman received The Shield of Night and The Sword of Light. Along from rhyming, these sibling weapons work in conjunction with each other. While the shield can absorb any possible amount of damage or energy, the sword can cut through any material, like Cap's shield or Stark's armor. The sword's strength also increases with the amount of damage dealt to the shield, when fully powered-up the sword can launch magical beams that wield the forces the shield absorbed. And hey, no curses!

2. Mjolnir

Crafted from the magical metal Uru by the Dwarves of Asgard, this legendary hammer was given a magical seal by the Norse God Odin stating, "Whosoever wield this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor". And before you Female Thor-haters jump the gun, Odin only said "he" because he expected Thor to wield the hammer. Anyway, Mjolnir can destroy any Earth-born material or obstacle and contains a magical aura that allows it's user to summon it from any distance. While it can control the weather-snow, lightning, winds and rain-Mjolnir cannot summon any weather, that ability is appointed to Thor himself. It's powers have changed over the years, but the constant feature of Mjolnir is it's difficulty to wield as the attempted wielder must be deemed worthy by Odin. Wielders include the Korbinite Beta Ray Bill, the X-Men's Storm, the Avenger's Captain America, and even Superman and Wonder Woman of the DC Universe. The hammer's ability to be unmovable by those who are unworthy becomes quite effective when Thor uses the hammer to hold his enemy down, knowing the weight of Mjolnir can trap his foe. It's also really funny.

1. Power Rings

Known as the most powerful weapons in the universe, the Power Rings were originally created by Guardians of the Universe to be used by The Green Lantern Corps. These rings harness the energy of the emotional spectrum and are color-coated to match it's corresponding spectrum type (Green for Willpower, Yellow for Fear, Pink for Love and so on). Power Rings allow their wielders to survive in the vacuum of space, create Corps uniforms, access the unlimited knowledge of The Guardians, and even act as universal translators so Lanterns can communicate with other alien lifeforms. The main feature of the Power Rings are their ability to create solid light constructs using the power of the emotional spectrum. For example, if a Green Lantern focuses his or her Willpower, they can create any structure they imagine. Imagination is the key to mastering the Power Ring as complicated constructs become more durable and operational when the ring-bearer knows the details of their construct. Creating oil becomes more accurate if the user knows the chemical make-up of oil. Someone who's been in the military may know the workings of a gun well enough to create an accurate construct of a gun. Someone who's an artist may create unique shapes and designs by using their artistic creativity. The weapon is only as powerful as the person wielding it. Power Rings are also weapons that are accessible to almost anybody, making the possibility of wielders limitless.

All and all, comic book writers have come up with some crazy weapons. Some weapons are limited to their user, others are just plain destructive. We should be grateful our page-soaring heroes use these weapons to uphold justice, just as we expect out of our fellow man. Thanks for reading!

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