Monday, May 11, 2015


Now that we're between Phases of The Panel Biter's DC Cinematic Universe, I can take this chance to touch upon the Television side of my desired cinematic universe. As mentioned in "Brave & Bold Beginnings" many current DC Comic shows would be altered to fit into this fan-made universe, but original pitches would be given for other shows. So, let's get into the little pieces of the PBDC.

The existing shows that'd be reshaped include: The Flash, Arrow (renamed Green Arrow), Vixen, Gotham (renamed GCPD), Titans, and Constantine (renamed Hellblazer). You then have eight-episode series like The Atom and Firestorm, and the new show Legion Lost. These shows wouldn't all be out at once and at maximum would each last three seasons each. To increase the time viewers spend watching the PBDC unfold, the shows would all be set on different nights and different channels to fill a week of watching. For example, you already have Gotham on Monday, Flash on Tuesday, and Arrow on Wednesday, so for this hypothetical lineup you'd get Vixen on Thursday and Constantine on Friday, along with revolvings of shows when they go on break or completely end.
For these current shows to reshape, each would have to end it's season with a "crisis event", something big that'd transistion into all of DC's material being intertwined. Because I am not personally up-to-date on all these shows events or what will happen in the future of these shows, I'm unable to go into detail about what would change. I can say for sure that Arrow's tone would lighten up while staying grounded, Green Arrow himself would receive a personality shift making him more comic accurate. Don't worry Arrow fans, you'd still see Stephan Amell being eye-candy, but he'd have some critical opinions on superheroes added to his character. The Flash wouldn't change much, maybe getting a more comic accurate costume and a couple of cameos/references of/to his fellow JL members. Also, Barry Allen/The Flash would be the only character with any memory of the old CW universe. Constantine would stay more on the paranormal side of the PBDC, helping by staying in the background of movie events while also covering the magical events of this universe. Gotham-again renamed GCPD-would be the most changed by the "crisis event". Instead of focusing on continuity-busting prequel stories, GCPD would be about the Gotham City Police Department (Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock, Renee Montoya, etcetera). This show would pit Gotham's finest against villains who wouldn't appear in the Batman movies, it'd also give Gotham a voice regarding Batman, who'd appear at the end of each episode to convey conversations with Commissioner Gordon. Vixen would be about the magical elements of the PBDC as well, but would look more into the nature of this Earth. Titans would consist of characters who have appeared in other shows, have relations to other parts of the PBDC and have potential of showing up elsewhere. Nightwing (Gotham City stories), Cyborg (StarLabs stories), Beast Boy ("The Red" stories), Starfire (space stories), Raven (paranormal stories), Impulse (time stories) and Arsenal (Starling City stories) would go on various missions revolving around each individual member.
The Atom and Firestorm would each get eight-episode miniseries, as I mentioned. The Atom's series would focus on his time venturing through bloodstreams to cure diseases, followed by his adventures among the miniature tribe-The Morlaidhans-in the jungles of South Africa. Firestorm's series would see the men who made-up Firestorm-Ronnie Reymond and Martin Stein-split up after Stein's apparent death. Ronnie would reluctantly fuse with Stein's former student Jason Rusch and they'd form the new Firestorm. The new show to enter the PBDC would be "Legion Lost". Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes, we'd see the futuristic world of the PBDC and how this young organization of heroes keep Earth safe. The real focus of the show would revolve around senior members of The Legion-Brainiac 5, Dream Girl, and Valor-sending teams of three back in time to find their time displaced leaders. Phantom Girl, Matter-Eater Lad and Timber Wolf would be sent to recover Saturn Girl from the year 1966, Karate Kid, Triplicate Girl and Bouncing Boy would be sent to the year 1989 to save Lightning Lad, and Wildfire, Dawnstar and Chameleon Boy would go to the year 2023 to find Cosmic Boy. Each team would be given a season and would occasionally visit other timelines during their adventures. This show would cover a lot of the PBDC's history and give a look into it's possible future.
This post is mainly meant for those of you who actually enjoy my ideas for a DC Cinematic Universe. With Batman v. Superman growing ever closer I don't want to forfeit my ideas simply because we're getting something completely different. So if you enjoyed this insight into my imaginary universe and you're looking forward to Phase Two, you have my sincerest thanks. Phase Two will begin next week with the further adventures of everyone's favorite Amazonian. Thanks for reading!

Facebook: The Panel Biter
Twitter: @ThePanelBiter

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