Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Instigation & Amalgamation

The 1990's, a time when the comic book industry was a glutton for sharp artwork, extreme personalities and flashy action. They were also beginning to profit off media sources like cartoons and video games. But in 1996, the forerunners of the industry-DC Comics and Marvel Comics-decided to milk the media with one more stunt, "DC vs. Marvel".

"DC vs Marvel" was a limited series that ran from April to May in 1996. The story began with two gods from each universe challenging each other to see which universe has the stronger heroes, resulting in eleven heroes from both worlds duking it out. The pre-determined starting fights included: Aquaman vs Namor (Aquaman won), Catwoman vs Elektra (went to Elektra), The Flash (Wally West) vs Quicksilver (Flash, ah-ah-ahh), The Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) vs The Silver Surfer (get surfed, scrub), Robin (Tim Drake) vs Jubilee (Robin for the win) and Captain Marvel vs Thor (all hail Thor). The next five battles allowed fans to write in on who should win each fight. Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) squashed Superboy, Storm defeated Wonder Woman, Wolverine chopped up Lobo, Superman overpowered The Hulk, and Batman vetoed Captain America. After this mass battle of characters, a one and done character named Access fused the two worlds together to avoid either world's destruction. And thus, The Amalgam Comics Universe was born.
DC Comics and Marvel Comics ceased publication for a week and each company released Amalgam Comics one-shots based on their combined characters. Marvel's releases included: Bruce Wayne Agent of SHIELD, Bullets and Bracelets, Magneto and The Magnetic Men, Speed Demon, Spider-Boy, and X-Patrol. DC releases were: Amazon, Assassins, Doctor Strangefate, JLX, Legends of The Dark Claw, and Super Soldier. After that week, DC Comics and Marvel continued their respective comics as if the crossover had never happened, it was later explained in another "DC vs. Marvel" comic that the rival gods came to a truce and allowed both universes to continue unharmed. A year later in 1997, DC and Marvel decided to run a victory lap by revisiting the Amalgam Comics Universe. DC Comics released Bat-Thing, Dark Claw Adventures, Generation Hex, JLX Unleashed, Lobo The Duck, and Super Soldier: Man of War. Marvel released Challengers of the Fantastic, Exciting X-Patrol, Iron Lantern, The Magnetic Men featuring Magneto, Spider-Boy Team-Up, and Thorion of the New Asgods. Needless to say, this type of change made things harder for new comic fans, simple for non-comic fans, and either really awesome or really embarrassing for long time comic fans. Also, the big battle and fusion served no significance or consequence for either comic company. So, was it just a publicity stunt? Yes. Was it a pointless story? Yes. Was it just for the dollar bills? Yes. Was it awesome and crazy and stupid? You bet your yams it was. God bless America.
As pointless as this crossover was, fans of comics books have always imagined crossovers and fusions much like this. Without knowing this event happened in the 90's anyone would believe such a story to be made up on the playground to fool the other classmates. There are websites totally focused on creating world-bending meet-ups like these, but in the modern day DC Comics and Marvel Comics are much to busy one-upping each other in various media to consider pulling this stunt again. But if they did....Daredevil + Nightwing = Nightdevil! Let the fanfic begin! Thanks for reading!

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