Monday, November 16, 2015

Encore of Thunder

"Shazam 2"
The film begins with Black Adam-former champion of Earth and rival to the hero Shazam-landing in his home country of Kahndaq after the events of "JL: Tower of Babel". During said film, Black Adam was sealed into the body of his descendent-Theodore Adam-by the immortal Vandal Savage. Black Adam goes to a woman in Kahndaq named Andrea Tomaz (played by Joanna Cameron) for unspecified reasons. They are interrupted by a large, shadowy man who holds Andrea hostage and forces Black Adam to return to human form. As Theo Adam, he is gagged and tossed into a prison cell by Kahndaq's tyrant Kull The Savage.
Two months later, Shazam and The Flash (Wally West) are fighting The Sin of Envy (taking the form of a sentient hand) in El Paso, Mexico. Shazam/Billy Batson and the magical tiger Tawny have been hunting down the Seven Deadly Sins for the past few months and Shazam has been added to The Justice League. With everyone else busy, Shazam called in The Flash to help. The Sin is defeated and sealed in a totem by Tawny, who takes it to Shazam's lair-The Rock of Eternity-to be locked away. They have already caught Greed, Gluttony, and Envy, so there are four more Sins to catch. Shazam and The Flash are then dragged to a JL meeting afterwards and sit in Mount Justice with Wonder Woman, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, The Atom (Ryan Choi), Green Arrow, Black Canary, Vixen, Firestorm, and Mr. Terrific. Shazam is otherwise bored of the whole thing until someone mentions Kahndaq being under control of tyrant named Kull. Wonder Woman tried keeping this topic secret from Shazam, but Green Arrow slipped up and spilled the beans. Shazam is upset because he thought Black Adam would take over the country and upon learning this mysterious man has taken the country by force, but is a fair ruler, Shazam wants to take action. Wonder Woman reminds Shazam that The Justice League does not involve themselves with political matters, this tyrant hasn't extended his cruelty outside the country and has been as just as he has been tyrannical. Shazam leaves the meeting, but is warned by Wonder Woman not to interfere.
At Billy's foster house, he tells his adopted siblings Freddy and Mary about all of this and they try to ease his stress, but he's still upset. In Billy's dreams, he sees Tawny warn him of a great evil in Kahndaq and that a Sin could be corrupting the country. Billy then receives a vision of a royally garbed, masked woman named Adrianna. In the morning, Billy packs a bag and Mary and Freddy find him getting ready to leave the house. Billy says he's going to lay low in Kahndaq for a few days to figure things out. Freddy is eager to go with, despite his polio, but Mary raises the points of The JL looking for him, The Vasquez Family members who don't know Billy's secret would go looking for him and Uncle Dudley being concerned too. With Tawny's magic, Billy fools his foster family into thinking he won three tickets to Warner Bros Studios, but in actuality travels to Kahndaq with Freddy and Mary.
In Kahndaq, Billy, Mary and Freddy meet Andrea Tomaz. Andrea explains that she is the descendent of Black Adam's lover Adrianna and that Theodore Adam is Black Adam's descendent. The two married and when Black Adam took over Theo's body, his thoughts and desires mixed with Theo's, that's why he was so eager to return to her. We see Theo/Adam locked in a cage being mocked by Kull. Kull is the immortal brother of fellow immortal Vandal Savage, both of whom were kept as slaves by Black Adam millennia ago. While Vandal begged his way to freedom, Kull sat in dark silence for centuries until six years ago he was released by Kahndaq's foolish president. Kull forced the president to commit war with countries until the president finally tried to attack Kull. Kull killed the man and assumed rulership of the country. Billy loses his patience when Andrea tells him about all this and he becomes Shazam. Before leaving the house, Tawny warns him telepathically that if he goes in head-first he'd be risking his status on The League, but Billy doesn't care.
Shazam shows up at Kull's throne and battles him, surprisingly getting beaten in the process. Meanwhile, Freddy, Mary and Andrea free Theo from his cell and Andrea reunites with him. Theo's mind is a mix of his own and Black Adam, so he is afraid of transforming. Mary and Freddy go to assist Shazam, but they are told by Tawny that there is another way they might be able to help. Shazam is defeated by Kull, who stomps on him until he becomes Billy again. Kull has no problem killing a child, but Theo man's up at the sight of this and becomes Black Adam. Andrea and the kids get to safety as Kull and Black Adam lay waste to the city. Kull seems to have a secret weapon: a bottle containing The Sin of Wrath. He uses this bottle to infuse the sin into Black Adam and Kull tricks Black Adam into perceiving Shazam as his true enemy. Billy becomes Shazam and fights the enraged Black Adam as Kull chases Andrea and the kids. Shazam is knocked down and Mary and Freddy convince him to shout "Shazam" on them. When he does, Mary and Freddy become Champions like Shazam and Black Adam. Mary Shazam (Mary) and Shazam Kid (Freddy) reveal Tawny said Shazam can share his powers.
The Three Shazams fight Black Adam and beat the Sin Wrath out of him, leaving Tawny to catch the Sin. The four of them corner Kull, who holds Andrea hostage and believes he has still won. Black Adam gets the idea to target all four of their lightnings towards Andrea, turning her into Isis the all-powerful Champion. With these combined powers Andrea beats Kull into submission. Andrea submits the power back and Kahndaq is saved. Wonder Woman shows up hours later to have Kull delivered to ARGUS and tossed into a cell next to his brother. Shazam is fired from the JL for his tampering with Kahndaq, but Shazam's last request is letting Black Adam have his country back. In private, Black Adam tells Shazam he will look into collecting the Sins too, and that his rule of Kahndaq will be peaceful as his melding with Theo has adjusted his views on the world. He and Andrea will be the new King and Queen of the country and he-Black Adam-will consider Billy Batson a friend. They shake hands and Shazam makes Mary and Freddy his official teammates-since he got booted off a super-team. Shazam goes to The Rock of Eternity and looks upon the four captured Sins, claiming his battle is not over, but that he will not fight this battle alone.
In the after credits scene, Doctor Sivana is working on some blueprints while a caterpillar crawls over his head. He is sent a message over computer regarding if the adjustments are done, and Sivana claims he is nearing completion. We pan out to see a screen with an eye-like symbol and a conveyer belt with red spheres being produced. Sivana-in a monotoned voice-claims "Brother Eye has almost opened".
Thank you for reading.
"Catwoman" struts up next.

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