Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Mutant of The Night

Here on The Panel Biter I have made it obnoxiously clear in every X-Men discussion that Nightcrawler is my favorite X-Men and one of my favorite Marvel characters in general, but I'm sure fans such as myself have pondered if there is some type of cap to how awesome he is. Some kind of limit that remains uncrossed. Buckle up readers, because today I'm topping that cap by telling you about Nightcrawler's daughter from another dimension! Today's Z-Lister is Nocturne!
Talia Josephine Wagner was created by Jim Calafiore in 2001's "Blink #4". TJ comes from a version of The Marvel Universe where Nightcrawler of The X-Men is her father and Scarlet Witch of The Avengers is her mother. In TJ's world a villain known as The Shadow King uses his powers to possess Wolverine's body and kill Professor X and Jean Grey. Professor X expelled The Shadow King from Wolverine's mind just as the he died, but Cyclops left The X-Men as a result of these events. With Wolverine and Nightcrawler leading this version of The X-Men, Nocturne became a valued member of the team.
Three years after these events, Nocturne was visited by The Time Broker to join The Exiles. The Exiles are a group of character from across The Multiverse who help fix distortions in other universes in order to keep their own worlds from being distorted. Kind of like a reality-hopping clean-up crew. In order to save her world, Nocturne joins The Exiles. While on these adventures, Nocturne falls in love with an alternate version of John Proudstar/Thunderbird and becomes pregnant. After Thunderbird is put into a coma by a version of Galactus, Nocturne has a miscarriage that's never given a detailed explanation. Despite those events Nocturne later returns to a positive attitude. After being a member of both the main universe X-Men and The New Excalibur, Nocturne suffers from stroke. During her recovery, The Exiles return with Thunderbird awake from his coma. While The Exiles continue to fight evil across worlds, Nocturne and Thunderbird leave the group to help her recovery and redevelop their relationship.
I should note that while she looks similar to Nightcrawler, she did not develop his mutant ability to teleport. Instead she inherited The Scarlet Witch's "Hex Bolts" which-instead of altering reality-expel energy from the realm Nightcrawler enters in-between teleports. An ability unique to her is the ability to possess other people. While using their body, the original mind of the body is knocked out while Nocturne's mind runs the body. After leaving a body, the person possessed in left in a 24 hour coma.
I always liked the concept of The Exiles and a character like Nocturne is why. She borrows cool elements of both her parents and really has some traits unique to her, which I appreciate. It would be too easy for writers to just mesh the two characters together and say "original character". Given the suppression of X-Men characters over at Marvel, I can't see Nocturne returning anytime soon. Unless Marvel reuses The Exiles. And honestly, with all the alternate worlds we saw during 2015's "Secret Wars", a team of heroes who clean up alternate Earths might be necessary.
Thanks for reading.

P.S. I'm sorry for the current lack of posts, Blogger is having technical issues and writing has become much more difficult. Please be patient.

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