Monday, February 1, 2016

Krypton's Last Stand

"Supergirl: Children of Krypton"
After seeing a movie, Kara Kent (Supergirl) and Jimmy Olson (Superman's old friend) sit in Jimmy's car on their date. Kara isn't ready to go the distance with Jimmy even though it's been four weeks of dating. When Jimmy pushes the question, Kara remarks the hand brace on Jimmy that he got after Kara accidentally crushed his hand. Before Jimmy can try to convince her otherwise, Kara hears a distress signal from Lois Lane's watch and flies off. She appears at Metropolis' Galaxy Broadcasting Station where a villainous teenager named Livewire has taken over with her electricity powers. Supergirl and Livewire fight for a bit before Supergirl dowses her with water, which shorts her out. As Livewire is taken away, Supergirl uses her X-ray vision to tell Lois and the authorities that the tech-swiping criminals called Intergang are also in the basement of this tower. After Livewire, the Intergang members and the corrupt CEO of GBS are arrested, Supergirl notices Livewire is taken in by some new company. Lois reveals they are The Department of Metahuman Affairs, with Argus being under investigation, the US government has set up a new department to make sure criminals with powers are locked up without risk of operations.
The next day, Kara is getting coffee with Jimmy and we learn Kara doesn't have one job, that instead she's been doing small jobs for the superhero community like babysitting for Aquaman and Mera, helping clean up trashy neighborhoods with The Flash, gardening for Wonder Woman, and most often helping The Martian Manhunter build a device that could make planet Mars inhabitable. When Kara gets an alert that the Fortress of Solitude has been breached, she brings Jimmy with her to check it out. Upon searching the base, Jimmy almost knocks over the shrunken, bottled Kryptonian city of Kandor. Supergirl remarks on how The Atom still hasn't figured out how to un-shrink the aliens. Supergirl is then distracted when Jimmy accidentally lets loose one of the alien animals from the zoo. Meanwhile, someone flies out of the fortress. After locking the alien animal back up, Kelex the helper robot reports that someone came out of The Phantom Zone Projector, Supergirl then reminds Jimmy that The Phantom Zone Projector is a device that creates portals to and from a prison dimension.
When they track the signature of the Phantom Zone escapee, they find him in Dublin being attacked by some locals. Supergirl shoos the citizens off and meets this young Kryptonian. As they speak in Kryptonian, she learns he has no memory of his past. A DMA helicopter flies overhead threatening to arrest the Kryptonian, but Supergirl leads him and Jimmy back to the Fortress where they can't be followed. Supergirl tries to use the databanks in the fortress to find out who this guy is, but there are no records. Jimmy insists they go back to Metropolis instead of keeping him cramped up. In Metropolis, the Kryptonian stays with Kara at her recently bought apartment and Kara gives him the name "Christopher". Their night together is interrupted by Lex Luthor, who offers Chris protection from the DMA in return for a truce, but Kara refuses. Luthor leaves, but Kara can hear him calling the DMA and she flies out to crush the phone. DMA troops start showing up and Kara and Chris run to Jimmy's house. Hiding there, Jimmy and Kara talk alone and Kara reveals she has feelings for Chris, making Jimmy very judgmental. Though she apologizes, Jimmy claims, "It's okay Kara. I was Superman's best pal. I'm used to being left behind".
The next morning, Supergirl and Chris go the fortress again and Chris convinces Kara to let his parents out of the Phantom Zone, so they can help convince the DMA to back off. Though she thinks different, Chris charms her into releasing two Kryptonians from the Phantom Zone. What she doesn't know is that these two are General Zod and Ursa, Kryptonian soldiers-turned-criminals. Zod convinces Supergirl that he has no intention of killing anyone and the four of them fly to Metropolis so Zod can announce his rehabilitation. Supergirl learns during Zod's speech that he and several other Kryptonian's escaped Planet Krypton's destruction and came to Earth when Clark was Superman. It was the fight between Superman and Zod all those years ago that established "K-Day" and all the worry of Superman's loyalty. Zod, Ursa and Christopher-who's name is Lor-Zod-claim they will use the knowledge they collected in The Phantom Zone to un-shrink the Kryptonians stuck in the bottled city of Kandor and integrate humans and Kryptonians. Zod also fights Cyborg Superman, who was rebuilt by Luthor to fight Zod. After he defeats Cyborg Superman, Zod captures him.
While many citizens-Lois and Jimmy included-appose this plan, Zod and his family have turned their original spaceship into a tower floating above the Daily Planet and Supergirl is given a black costume aligning with them. As Kara and Chris act as poster children for Zod's integration plan, Jimmy sneaks into Professor Emil Hamilton's lab and has stolen a sample of modified Doomsday Formula. Supergirl wanders Zod's base and finds he has turned the Phantom Zone Generator into a portal and has kidnapped Ryan Choi/The Atom to work on resizing the bottled Kryptonians. More plans show that Zod is going to use the Kryptonians as his army to take over the world. Before Chris can explain, Supergirl is beaten by Ursa and tossed into The Phantom Zone.
In The Phantom Zone, Supergirl avoids captured aliens and criminals that both Superman and the Planet of Krypton have faced in the past. She finds Cyborg Superman and reluncantly teams up with him to find the one location in the Zone Chris was able to breach. During the journey, the skies of the Zone show Starro The Conquerer battling Brainiac's ship, as the two of them have been battling since meeting in the Zone. Cyborg Superman detects a point in the Zone that could be exploited by extreme force, force Zod used to get his son out of the Zone and engage his plans. As more enemies get closer, Cyborg Superman opens the breach for Supergirl and is left behind.
Once she is out, Supergirl sees Zod and his regrown Kryptonians have taken over Metropolis and have claimed it's citizens as hostages. When Supergirl finds Christopher, he tries to apologize only for Supergirl to toss him around. Before she can hurt him and before he can explain himself, Ursa shows up and fights Supergirl again, this time flying her into space and then throwing her far from the city. Supergirl wakes up in a crater and notices her black uniform is ripped up. She finds a local shopping center and goes in to buy a new outfit, completely deadpan while doing so. Skipping over a revealing white leotard, she picks out a blue skirt, red boots, white gloves, a red cape, and a white Superman shirt. Along with a bottle of milk, she pays for her clothing, and uses super speed to change outside and fly back to Metropolis.
Christopher is beaten by Zod and sent to his room, as Zod thinks Supergirl's escape is Chris' fault. Supergirl-in disguise-comes back to Metropolis and sees she's been gone for a while. Any anti-Zod citizens have either gone into hiding or are prisoners and Supergirl finds a camp of citizens being kept safe in a bunker under MetroCorp. Lex Luthor and members of Intergang have created a safe haven for people and Supergirl begrudgingly asks for his help. Luthor shows Supergirl all the weapons he's created to kill Superman: Kryptonite lasers, red sun lamps, and solar ray draining dishes. Lex has also gathered Livewire, Parasite (who'd appear in HBO's Suicide Squad), Metallo, Mercy Graves, and Cyborg Superman, who had escaped the Zone shortly after Supergirl. After Lex's empowering speech towards the citizens, Supergirl talks with Cyborg Superman and finds out how horrific it was to be attacked by those who thought he was the real Superman. As everyone prepares for the morning attack on Zod's forces, Lex looks over a tank containing a clone of Superman.
With the citizens of Metropolis and Lex Luthor's villain squad, Supergirl leads the charge against Zod and the Kryptonians. Lex and the villains celebrate in the notion of "killing Superman over and over". When Zod gets involved the fight changes, and Zod's lead armor allows his to disarm many citizens and even compete with Luthor-who dons his warsuit. Supergirl is losing her fight against Ursa, but Chris stands against his mother. Zod stops beating Luthor and helps Ursa beat Chris and Supergirl. Before they can finish Supergirl, Jimmy Olson calls from above a building. He announces his love for Metropolis, his love for it's people, and his love for Supergirl. Jimmy injects himself with the modified Doomsday Formula and mutates into a new Doomsday.
Zod and Doomsday battle while Supergirl and Chris get people to safety. Lex Luthor goes to the Phantom Portal and plans on connecting the Zone's tech to his warsuit. He has trouble as he is weak, but Ryan Choi/The Atom has escaped his imprisonment and helps Luthor. Zod passes out from the battle, but Doomsday falls too. Supergirl embraces the dying Jimmy Olson, with Lois Lane and Chris watching on. Supergirl goes in for one last kiss when Ursa goes to stab Supergirl with a slab of Kryptonite, but Chris flies over and kills his mother with the slab. Luthor appears and prepares to draw all the Kryptonians back into the Phantom Zone, but Supergirl breaks the Phantom Zone Projector and makes a speech to all the defeated Kryptonians. She tells them that Zod led them out of fear, but by siding with Earth instead of against it, they can all lead with hope.
Jimmy's body is taken away, as is Ursa's. Chris and Supergirl watch as Lex's villains are arrested by the DMA and Lex is giving an interview to Lois. As Supergirl tries to sympathize with Chris, Zod reappears half-dead with a Kryptonite laser. He threatens to kill the girl slowly and make Chris watch. Luthor turns and shoots Zod in the head with a Kryptonite bullet in one motion.
One month later, Lois Lane and Supergirl are at the Superman memorial where a smaller statue of Jimmy Olson stands beside Superman's. Supergirl notes how she has a shindig to go to, but takes a minute while flying to draw a mustache on Lex Luthor's Presidential Campaign poster. Supergirl is next seen in ceremonial garbs in a hallway with Chris and The Martian Manhunter. Martian Manhunter-with The Atom's help-has build oxygen-dispersing devices all over Mars and has offered it as home to the Kryptonians. Since everyone is super-powered by the yellow sun, Chris has offered to stay on Mars (renamed Planet Clark) to watch over this colony of Kryptonians. Supergirl announces to the people of Planet Clark that she and The Martian Manhunter will travel to the remains of Planet Krypton and bring whatever is left back as a piece of history. Chris and Supergirl share one last kiss as Supergirl gets in the rebuilt ship of General Zod with Martian Manhunter and flies off into space.
After the end credits, the case holding the Superman clone is looked over by Cyborg Superman. Cyborg Superman is electrocuted by Mercy Graves. Cyborg Superman is put in an iron box and dropped into the ocean. Inside the darkness of the box, the symbol of Brainiac shines on Cyborg Superman's head.
Thanks for reading.
Prepare for the greatest story you never wanted to know. Next up is "The Inferior Five".

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