Saturday, February 13, 2016

Beautiful Fiction

Love is in the air here at The Panel Biter, and what kind of comic book blog would it be if I didn't talk about how hot fictional superheroes are!? For this Valentines Day, I'll be doing two lists of the sexiest comic book characters. Don't get the wrong idea, beauty is just as much about what's inside than out. Plus, if this was just about what characters were the most physically attractive, I'd be here all week. Instead we'll be looking at three categories: Brains, Body, and Personality. So lets start off The Panel Biter's Top 5 Sexiest Comic Book Heroines!

5. Zatanna
 Zatanna Zatara is DC Comic's go-to magician and is the daughter of Golden Age hero Giovanni Zatara. She's been a member of The Justice League and is overall a well-known character in the DCU. But what makes her so attractive? First, the brains. In order to conduct magic spells Zatanna must say whatever she wants to happen backwards. Missiles flying at you? All she has to say is "dnuora nrut" and they'll turn around! Now I don't know about you, but speaking in reverse is impossible for me! Maybe she isn't rocket science smart, but she's quick thinking. As for her body, apart from the standard comic book female attractiveness her choice in costume floats between classy and risky, but seeing as her main profession is being a stage magician (genius business plan by the way) it fits that she'd dress like a Vegas show-gal. As for personality Zatanna can be flirtatious and cocky and overall dramatic, but she's shown more serious behavior just as often. Most often when she's around John Constantine.

4. Wonder Woman
 How could we talk about beautiful comic book women without talking about the Amazonian hero, Wonder Woman!? The very first female hero, Wonder Woman is part of DC Comics Trinity of heroes and has been a constant member of the Justice League. Wonder Woman in the brains department isn't a genius, but at least smart enough to pilot a jet. I can't do that. Can you? Also she's a combat specialist, being one of the best fighters and strategists in the DCU. Maybe she doesn't necessarily understand how "The Cloud" works, but she can at least plan a surprise party. Wonder Woman's body used to be sculpted from clay. Doesn't really apply much but I like facts like that. Wonder Woman is almost always drawn as being muscular and sometimes taller than her male allies. Personally I'm not super into buff-women, hence the absence of She-Hulk, but Wonder Woman never exaggerates in that way. Her costume is awesome too, often carrying colors of the American flag. Yeah, our flag is cool. Personality wise, Wonder Woman can be very stubborn, especially in an argument or a fight. Regardless, she's kind to those who are kind to her and is a good role model to both men and women. I mean, if Superman can fall in love with you, you know you're a good person.

3. Shadowcat
 Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde was once the young rookie of The X-Men, but as she grew up she became a fan favorite Marvel character. She's gone from student to teacher to space hero. And every guy she's dated has been named Peter. Again, useless information for a fun fact. Kitty must be pretty smart as she hangs around guys like Professor X and Beast, but she's also a teacher so she's at least skilled at tolerating others. Being a mutant, toleration must come naturally. And to use her powers without getting herself killed means she's very careful. Speaking of her phasing powers, her body has changed over the years. Well, her hair has at least. From 80's frizz to the modern day ponytail, her hair is only the second most often changed about her. The first is her costume. Seriously she's had like ten costumes or something. But hey, she's cute. Kitty is a lot of people's favorite character because of her personality and how it's evolved. She used to be the stereotypical teenage valley girl, but she grew up to be a morally balanced, high spirited, and likable young woman. Oh, another cool fact is that she's Jewish. Again, useless facts!

2. Psylocke
 Psylocke is a British mutant, a psychic, and a ninja assassin trapped in the body of a Japanese woman. Yeah, cool just radiates from this chick. A member of The X-Men, X-Force and even The Hand Ninja Clan in the past, Psylocke is regarded as one of Marvel's deadliest assassins. Psylocke is smart, but smart in the psychic way of being smart. She can read minds, manipulate thought, and create weapons out of psychic energy. Plus she's another character who can fly a jet if needed. She dresses in a leotard and has purple hair so she's definitely in the "unique" body type. Being an assassin she must train a lot, though I'm not one for exercise even I must appreciate the commitment to physical fitness. Psylocke's personality is a bit on the serious side, she's had romantic relationships in the past so it's not like she's a stone wall or anything. Being psychic means she's empathic too so having to sit down and explain how you feel would be easier to convey. Hooray for mind probing!

1. Silk
This chick might seem familiar, maybe it's because this is the third time I've sung her praises! Cindy Moon/Silk is Marvel's newest spider-character and-like Peter Parker-was given powers from a radioactive spider. Cindy is smart, but she's 90's smart. She was trapped in a bunker for like ten years so her knowledge of social media is limited to stuff from the 1990's like Pokemon or Austin Powers. I grew up in the 90's/early 2000's so I feel like she'd be fun to hang around. Plus she catches up to modern media quickly and is a decent seamstress. Silk's body is radioactive and partially magical. Oh, her body is magic sounds way worse than I wanted it to sound. Anyway she can create her own webbing and is as agile as Spider-Man. That's right people, Silk can take you web-swinging. How's that for a first date? One downside is that she and Spider-Man have this "animals in heat" thing where if they get too close they feel forced to mate. So that's a deal breaker. Silk's personality is very driven, she's determined to do anything to get what she wants. She's currently pretending to be a villain just to help SHIELD and get information on her missing family. That doesn't mean she isn't funny or charming though, sometimes she even befriends misguided villains. Silk-in my opinion-is the most attractive comic book female because of her overall likability and normalcy. Sure any other superhero female is uber sexy, but Silk is the kind of character you can see yourself sitting on the couch and watching a movie with. Hopefully not a Spider-Man movie.

Those of you who prefer men, don't worry! That list comes up next!
Thanks for reading and Happy Valentines Day!

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Twitter: @ThePanelBiter

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