Monday, June 13, 2016

Welcome To Latvaria

Following the return of the Fantastic Four, this is my pitch for "Doctor Doom".
A servant named Boris walks down a hallway and into a bedroom where his master sleeps. As Boris walks his master through the morning regiment we hear an announcer giving the daily message to the people of Latvaria, the country where Doctor Doom is King. Doctor Doom stands before a camera that broadcasts a live feed to every television in the country. He announces the opening of a new school in the city of Doomsdale, the new line of patriotic clothing coming to stores, and finally he wishes the people of his country a good day. After these announcements he is read the schedule by Boris while working on a robot duplicate of himself. Boris also tells him the news that a NASA rocket ship has returned from space after 55 years. Doom turns his attention towards this news and discovers the moon mission of Reed Richards was not a failure. Boris asks about how Doom is responding to Richards survival, but Doom ignores him and locks himself in his lab to work on his robots.
Later that day we see Doctor Doom's smaller drones detecting seismic waves in the mountains, a matter Doctor Doom puts on hold as he appears during the opening of a new school. While he stands in the background watching Doom is secretly studying the reemergence of Richards and his family. Doctor Doom cuts the ribbon for the school and states his pride in the children of his country. When Doom gets into the back of his car, Boris tells him of a woman named Lucia Von Bardos, a professional psychiatric. Doom makes Boris stop the car, he gets out and pulls Boris out of the driver's seat. Doctor Doom holds Boris close to his face plate and asks "Are you suggesting therapy". Boris claims Doom cannot continue to improve his country and his technology if the thoughts of Richards keeps distracting him. Against his ego, Doctor Doom agrees to take the therapy.
Next we see Doom receive more indications of seismic activity, but he ignores it and sits in Lucia's office. As asked, Doctor Doom recalls his life. Born as Victor Von Doom in 1943, Victor was the child of a doctor named Werner and a gypsy named Cynthia. The country of Latvaria was at constant war due to the cruel rule of the current monarch Baron and the actions of the rebels. Cynthia saw the destruction of the war and-in fear for her family-accessed dark magic and summoned the power of a demon. The demon possessed her and forced her to destroy an entire village and it's corrupt law enforcers. By the end of it, Cynthia was dragged to Hell to hold up her end of the bargain and wed the demon. Cynthia was labelled as a witch and with the remains of his armed forces, Baron put a bounty on the heads of Werner and Victor.
After that first therapy session, Doctor Doom feels a little more relaxed and researches the seismic waves. Before he leaves the castle he is met by a representative of Advanced Ideas Mechanics who invites Doctor Doom to be part of the company's gathering of the most intelligent men on Earth. Doom accesses the man's phone without his permission and finds that men like Hank Pym, Tony Stark and, of course Reed Richards, denied his offer, so Doctor Doom refuses as well. He even claims he'd never belittle himself to work with such hacks. In his research of earthquakes he finds a horde of yellow creatures that attack him. He manages to capture one creature as the rest escape. While studying the yellow creature Doom can't find anything like it in mystical lore. Boris suggests the creature is natural to this Earth. Before they can continue studying it the creature escapes it's cage and ends up blowing up one of Doom's devices. This takes out a portion of Doom's castle and causes an avalanche heading towards the city of Doomstadt. While Boris chases the creature, Doctor Doom stands on the border between the mountain and Doomstadt and tries using his shrink ray to minimize the falling rocks. He then uses a magic spell to heat the falling snow into water. The people of the city applaud Doom for saving them, he flies off and finds Boris standing with the dead creature. Apparently as soon as the creature saw the sun it died. From the shadows, a figure watches as Doom and Boris begin to repair the side of the castle.
Back in therapy, Doctor Doom goes on to tell how he and his father spent years running from place to place in Latvaria, avoiding Baron's men. One day, when he was fifteen, Victor found his mother's locked box and opened it. Inside he found books about sorcery and practiced behind his father's back. His father eventually found out Victor was performing magic when Victor used a teleportation spell to help them escape Baron's men. Impressed and afraid by his son's actions, Werner told him the truth about his mother and left Victor in the protection of Boris-an old friend of Werner-and Boris' daughter Valeria. While living with Boris, Victor learned more about magic and fell in love with Valeria. One day, Boris told Victor that his father was found and killed by Boris' men. Victor was determined to delve deeper into dark magic, but Valeria warned him he'd go down the same way his mother did. Victor came to the conclusion that magic wasn't enough on it's own, not when the technology of war was advancing too. Victor received money from Boris to escape to America where he would study all manners of science, as a result his love for Valeria simmered.
After that therapy session, Doctor Doom invites Lucia to see his home and get a better understanding of his life. Lucia sees Doom's gym, his library, his lab, his throne, every room Doom takes pride in. Except for one room locked away from visitors. Doctor Doom gets word from Boris that new scans of seismic events have come in and Doom leaves Lucia while he goes to read the scans in his lab. Lucia wanders the halls and thinks she sees Doom wandering too. In his lab, Doctor Doom sees all the quakes have gotten stronger and are approaching Doomstadt. Boris suggests those yellow creatures are the cause of it. Doom notices the robot double he had been working on is missing from the lab. Lucia finds the robot double trying to open the locked room, when the robot turns to see Lucia it thinks she's an intruder and attacks her, but Doctor Doom appears and fights his robot double. Their fight causes more damage to the castle, but it ends with Doom inside the locked room with the robot at his feet. Lucia walks in and sees a large portal machine sitting there. While Boris carries the remains of the robot away, Lucia and Doctor Doom talk in front the portal machine. Doom explains this is far more than a teleportation device.
In another flashback, an eighteen year old Victor Von Doom is attending Empire State University in New York. He quickly adapts to the realm of science, but falls short in some places. Luckily, the one student who sees Victor's potential-Reed Richards-befriends Victor and helps him become a scientific genius. In a competition to see who gains access to the Moon mission, all students must create a powerful piece of technology. Richards builds an artificial intelligence called HERBIE and Victor tries to create an extra-dimensional portal. However, Victor's portal doesn't work and he tries to explain it was supposed to open a gateway to Hell, where his mother presides. The school district and NASA representatives laugh at Victor and Reed wins the acceptance into the moon mission. That night Reed agrees to help sneak into the school lab with Victor to try and fix the portal device. The campus cops try to stop them, but Victor opens the portal again only to be struck with a bolt of electricity. Reed destroys the portal with a wrench and helps Victor up as the cops bust in. Victor had cut the side of his face from backlash of the portal machine and blamed it's failure on Reed. Claiming he shouldn't have destroyed it and that he ruined Victor's chance.
Lucia suggests-due to his anger at Reed and his destruction of the robot copy-Doom may blame himself. Doom requests Boris take Lucia home. After locking the room, Doom goes back to repairing his robot. Boris and Lucia are driving back to Lucia's apartment when the floor caves in and the car lands in an underground cavern. Boris uses a flashlight to see around the cavern and sees the yellow monsters from before. A man comes out from the darkness and calls the creatures Moloids, he then orders them to capture the two of them. While Doctor Doom works on the robot, the robot speaks as if it is Doctor Doom. The real Doctor Doom explains that the robot is just a puppet, a tool Doctor Doom will use to make Latvaria safer and make his job easier. The robot is not Doom, but the robot claims it has his memories, it knows about the portal and about Doom's mother. The robot wasn't just trying to be Doom, it was trying to save Doom's mother from Hell. The robot keeps replaying the words "You have to save her". Doctor Doom loses his patience and fires a beam through the robot's head. "I know" he says. He hears screaming down the hall and finds Boris and Lucia collapsed in the castle. Boris and Lucia escaped the so-called "Mole Man", but Lucia wasn't as durable to the Moloids attacks as Boris. Doctor Doom puts Lucia into a healing incantation. Boris tells Doom not to blame himself, to which Doom tells Boris to watch Lucia.
Lucia lays awake as her body continues to heal. She asks Boris to continue telling Doom's story. Doctor Doom reads books about a man named Harvey Rupert searching for an underground cavern called Subterranea that was rumored to be under the country of Latvaria. Apparently Harvey found it and had to develop special glasses to help his eyes adjust to the darkness of the cave. He claimed there were land eating creatures called Moloids and an even bigger monster called Giganto. He was thought to be insane and eventually disappeared into the underground of Latvaria. Boris tells Lucia that after the U.S. government sent back Victor back to Latvaria he spent years wandering his corrupt and enslaved country. Victor lost his way, he had no way of saving his mother or finding Boris and no money to help support his technology or magic. When he was twenty-five, Victor was found by some Tibetan monks. The monks taught Victor more about the mystic arts and-after learning his journey was a virtuous one-crafted him enchanted armor, built weapons he had designed, and gave him a cloak colored after his nation's flag. The first piece of armor Victor wanted was a face plate to hide his imperfection. Lucia asks how one scar is all that bad, but Boris claims it wasn't the scar Victor was hiding. It was the fool who got cut. Still burning hot, Victor put on the face plate and donned the rest of his armor and cloak. Victor knew he had to save his mother, but he had to save his country too. In honor of his father Victor took the title "Doctor Doom".
Cavernous abysses surround the city of Doomstadt and Moloids-wearing protective goggles-pour out and attack civilians. Harvey Rupart-The Mole Man-appears and orders the Moloids to drag the people of the city into the underground. Doctor Doom appears and destroys groups of Moloids until Mole Man attack him with a feral fighting style he learned from the Moloids. Doom demands an explanation. Harvey explains how he's lived decades underground living off the dead animals his minions brought to him, in exchange for their loyalty he taught the Moloids which pieces of land were best for them to eat and he gifted them with goggles like his own. As Doctor Doom built his kingdom up, Mole Man watched in envy. Mole Man decided Doom had ruled long enough and began his invasion on Latvaria. Lucia and Boris do their best to evacuate citizens, but Lucia runs into the city to save people trapped in a school. Doctor Doom tries to fight Mole Man, but Moloids begin dragging him down. The Moloids rip Doctor Doom apart, revealing he was actually the robot double. Before he can react, Mole Man's goggles are ripped off by the real Doctor Doom. Mole Man's eyes burn from the sight of the sun and he falls over blinded. Doom records Mole Man's voice, he then uses his suit's technology to replicate the Mole Man's voice over his own. Doctor Doom commands the Moloids to crawl back into the caverns. Doom then casts a spell that fills Subterranea with lava, killing the Moloids. Mole Man can't see, but he hears the death of his minions. He yells at Doom for killing his family. The mention of family reminds Doom of the rest of his story.
As Doctor Doom, Victor killed Baron and restored order to Latvaria. When he was told of Valeria's death of sickness, he spent the next forty-eight years reshaping Latvaria into his image convinced only he had the power to establish a just rule. With Boris as his assistant, Doctor Doom developed weapons and created spells to help advance and repair his home. The one challenge he never took on was getting his mother back from Hell.
Doctor Doom gets his head back in the game and is told via communicator that Lucia and a school of people are in danger. Doctor Doom flies to the school, but Mole Man pulls out a small horn and blows into it summoning Giganto. The school is sinking into the ground and lava is beginning to pour out. Doctor Doom summons a powerful gust to cool the lava into magma and he opens the roof of the school so everyone can escape. He tries to find Lucia, but Giganto rises from the ground and attacks Doctor Doom. While Doom's armor is damaged by the monster, he manages to send out one light flare that startles the monster and follows up by casting an illusion that makes Giganto see Doom as a giant devil. Giganto burrows into the ground and vanishes. Boris and Doctor Doom finds Lucia's body in the rubble of the school and Doom can tell she's barely holding on.
As Doom's narration tells us he built a replication machine that could assemble more "Doombots". These Doombots help repair Doomstadt and many more jobs become available to Latvarian citizens since construction is needed. Doctor Doom took the blind Mole Man and tossed him in the mountains of Russia, hoping nature would take it's course. The narration finishes as Doctor Doom wakes Lucia Von Bardos up and she looks in the mirror to find her body is cybernetic. In order to save her life Doctor Doom turned her into a cyborg. Disgusted she slaps Doom, but surprisingly he does not become angry. As he explains, Lucia was one of the only citizens of Latvaria to see him as something other than a ruler. Though she is upset, Lucia accepts Doom's offer to be his second assistant and she offers Doom a piece of advice regarding Reed Richards.
The next scene we see is of Doom exiting his portal machine. This is what follows the "Fantastic Four" after-credit scene. Doctor Doom tells Lucia that Richards doesn't look a day older and now that he has closure, he can take one step closer to his true goals.
After the end credits Boris stands on the shore of a Caribbean island where a man shows up and hands him photos taken from a submarine some time ago. The photos show the body of a man in a blue tube and scriptures of a map. The man Boris is meeting with claims only two pieces of the map remain until they can find "The Serpent's Crown". Boris says his master will be pleased but wonders who the man in the tube is. "That's our concern, not yours" says the man as he leaves the coast and gets into a black van. On the side of the van is the SHIELD logo.
Thanks for reading.
Dive into the sea, "Namor The Sub-Mariner" is next.

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