Sunday, February 5, 2017

Drake Facts

Lets see how much of a Tim Drake fan you are! Here are One Dozen Red Robin Facts!
1. Tim Drake met Dick Grayson back when Grayson was still in the circus with his parents. Years later, Tim saw Batman and Robin on TV. Tim saw Robin perform a leap only Dick Grayson could achieve. Tim thought if Dick was Robin, then his adopted father Bruce Wayne would have to Batman. This was the beginning of Tim's career as a detective and-as Batman would admit years later-Tim is bound to be the World's Next Greatest Detective.

2. Tim Drake had been Robin for twenty-seven real world years. He was the first Robin to have a solo title, the second Robin to lead The Teen Titans, and immediately after the end of his solo title he got a new title called "Red Robin" which continued his story.

3. In the elseworld story "Kingdom Come", Dick Grayson debuted the mantle of Red Robin. In 2009, DC Comics was attempting to reuse assets from "Kingdom Come" and decided to reuse the Red Robin mantle and give it to Tim Drake. This was also done so that the Robin mantle could be given to the new character Damian Wayne. Tim took up the mantle as a way to reinvent himself after Batman's "death", his father's death, and the death of Superboy. He claimed to pull inspiration for the costume from the Golden Age hero Doctor Midnight, who's costume has similar aspects. In 2011, Tim Drake's Red Robin costume had a domino mask and working wings. In 2016, his Red Robin costume was strikingly similar to his Robin uniform only with two "R"s instead of one.

4. Tim Drake is the first Robin to use an extendable bo staff. Dick Grayson would use a bo staff in the "Teen Titans" animated series and as Nightwing by linking his eskrima sticks together. Tim Drake also used a slingshot for a short time. However, in the story "The Dark Knight Returns" in 1986, the character Carrie Kelly-who was Robin in that story-mainly used a slingshot.

5. Tim was the first-main continuity-Robin to take the mantle while his parents were both still alive. Tim also "wanted" to be Robin to help Batman recover after Jason Todd's death. Until his parents died and he was adopted by Bruce Wayne, Tim treated his role as Robin like a job. He was also the first Robin to wear pants.

6. The "R" on Tim's Robin costume is actually an emergency throwing razor. This could be a reference to a Golden Age story in which Batman-who doesn't have his utility belt-rips the bat symbol off his chest and reveals it to be an emergency Batarang.

7. While Batman uses the disguised identity of "Matches Malone", Tim Drake uses the false identity of "Alvin Draper".

8. In the DC Animated Universe, Tim Drake is brainwashed by The Joker until Batman rescues him. Fifty years in the future, Terry McGinnis/Batman fights The Joker-who is revealed to be Tim Drake with Joker's brainwaves still inside him. Ironically, a more recent version of Tim Drake acted as Batman Beyond.

9. In the alternate future of "Titans Tomorrow", Batman/Bruce Wayne dies for real and Tim Drake takes the Batman mantle. So distraught by Bruce's death, Tim goes on a murderous rampage and turns Arkham Asylum into a cemetery filled the dead foes of Batman.

10. While Dick Grayson was designed to be a bright and optimistic addition to Batman's stories, and Jason Todd was designed to be the opposite of Dick Grayson, Tim Drake was designed not only to relate to the young readers of the 1980's, but to also be the most likely Robin to succeed Batman. To be as smart, determined, capable, and secretive as Batman himself.

11. Tim Drake's father was killed by the Flash villain Captain Boomerang. At the moment Captain Boomerang's Boomerang struck Jack Drake's heart, Jack shot Cap in the chest. After this exchange, Robin and Captain Boomerang Junior (Cap's newly discovered, long-lost son) had a brief rivalry before they buried the hatchet and became allies. When Captain Boomerang came back to life as a Black Lantern zombie, Tim killed him again. Though he was a zombie, Batman still chastised Tim for this.

 12. Tim Drake has invented an underground train station, a hard-light training room, a flight suit, and an entire network system between all of Batman's devices. Additionally, Tim's reputation as a leader and a detective is so highly regarded that Ra's al Ghul refers to him simply as "Detective". Ra's has only ever referred to Batman as "Detective".
Thanks for reading!

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