Sunday, February 25, 2018

Carnage Facts

Are you a fan of Carnage? Well, we've got One Dozen Carnage Facts!
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1. The Carnage Symbiot was the offspring of The Venom Symbiot. Upon its birth it attached to a serial killer named Cletus Kasady. In 2004, Carnage had his own offspring that became the symbiotic anti-hero Toxin. By the nature of the Klyntar-the alien race Venom belonged to-the child of a Klyntar will always try to kill it's birthgiver when in the same area. However, it would be retconned in 2013 that The Klyntar adapt to their host and are not inherently evil, meaning Venom and Carnage are the result of their host's personalities.

2. Before he was a teenager, Cletus killed three people and a dog, burned down an orphanage, and got his father thrown in prison by not defending him in court when his father beat his mother for trying to kill Cletus. His current kill count is unconfirmed, but he spent several days with other villains slaughtering New York citizens during "Maximum Carnage" and has overthrown a small Midwest town. When Eddie Brock met him as an adult Cletus had a confirmed eleven kills, but brags he killed a dozen more.

3. "Maximum Carnage" was not only a comic book event, but it was also adapted into a beat-em-up game for the Sega Genesis and The Super NES in 1994. In the Marvel Universe, the title has also been used for movies and video games.

4. David Michelinie originally wanted Eddie Brock to die and for the Venom Symbiot to attach to other people, and create Carnage that way. He also wanted Carnage to be darker and less moral than Venom, and to be more movement oriented. Eddie's popularity prevented David's plans, so Carnage was created to be "Venom's Venom". Carnage wouldn't be drawn like a constantly moving liquid until "Ultimate Spider-Man" much later. Carnage's test names included "Chaos" and "Ravage".

5. Carnage has died and come back to life only once, after he was killed by The Sentry of The Avengers. Carnage regenerated from a single piece of the symbiot because unlike Venom, the Carnage symbiot could borrow and infuse into Cletus' bloodstream and could not be seperated from Cletus.

6. Along with Cletus, the suit has also bonded with a scientist named Tanis Nieves for a short time, Ben Reilly/Spider-Man (becoming Spider-Carnage), The Silver Surfer (called Cosmic Carnage), and Norman Osborn (becoming The Red Goblin).

7. Carnage has all the abilities of Spider-Man and Venom, except for Spidey's Spider-Sense, and the unique ability to create solid liquid weapons like axes, knives, and spears. They can detach from his body and dissolve after a short time. His symbiot is also tied to his bloodstream and is virtually indestructible. Carnage's most bizarre power is being able to convert his body into strands so thin they can travel through electronic waves. He demonstrated this by travelling through a computer in prison and exiting a computer in the middle of New York City.

8. On Earth 15, Peter Parker is a psychopath corrupted by the Carnage symbiot and goes by "The Spider". In the MC2 timeline, The Carnage symbiot fuses to Peter's son Benji and Peter's daughter May/Spider-Girl has to save Benji without hurting him. In Marvel 1602, Canice Cassidy is possessed by a demon taking the form of Carnage and leads The Sinister Sextet. And in The Ultimate Universe Carnage was created from the DNA of Spider-Man, The Lizard, and the symbiot research studying by Reed Richards. The resulting abomination feeds on DNA and kills Gwen Stacy, it then becomes a monster Spider-Man kills by throwing into a smoke stack. When Gwen returns from the grave all of the sudden it is revealed she is the Carnage Symbiot who splintered off a genetic copy of Gwen. After a brief time becoming Carnage, Gwen is purified of Carnage and is simply a clone of Gwen.

9. Cletus Kasady's design was inspired by DC Comic's The Joker. The first of two crossovers between Spider-Man and Batman feature Carnage and The Joker teaming up and Carnage paying The Joker a lot of hero worship. However, their partnership grows sour fast when Carnage's only interest is senseless murder while The Joker wants to conduct some complicated scheme. Joker states "I always thought of myself as Orson Welles of crime and chaos. While you, apparently, aspire to be nothing more than...David Hasselhoff".

10. In Amalgam Comics, a merge between DC and Marvel, Carnage is fused with Bizarro Superman to become Bizarnage, the adversary of Spider-Boy (Superboy + Spider-Man).

11. Carnage appears in "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" and in the series finale Carnage fuses with an alternate universe version of Spider-Man to become Spider-Carnage. Alongside Venom, Carnage is the only traditional Spider-Man villain to appear in "Spider-Man Unlimited". Cletus had a cameo in "Spectacular Spider-Man" as a patient at a mental institution, he would have become Carnage in season three of the cartoon, but it was never renewed. Carnage appears in "Ultimate Spider-Man" and possesses the bodies of Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, The Hulk, and becomes The Carnage Queen.

12. In 2002, during The Halloween Horror Nights, Universal Studios' Island of Adventure theme park was overtaken by Carnage. He got his own haunted house at Marvel Superhero Island which used the title "Maximum Carnage". His hideout included henchmen and the remains of various Marvel heroes. Throughout that part of the park roamed criminals and villains. Carnage was chosen as the Halloween Marvel Island icon that for his disregard for life and total chaos.
Thanks for reading!

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